Hello students,
Reminder of the Career & Internship Fair that is just over two weeks away. Additionally, we will not be hosting our JCPenney event today due to the extreme weather conditions, instead you can shop online using the code list below.
____________________________________________________________________________________________ CAREER & INTERNSHIP FAIR | All Majors & Class Standing Welcome THURSDAY, MARCH 6 12:30 - 3:00 PM | Health and Sports Center
* Networking Opportunity: Meet with employers and explore career and internship opportunities.
* Prepare to Connect: Bring your updated resume and be ready to network! Don't miss your chance to connect with potential employers! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ FREE RESUME REVIEWS & PRINTING (Prep Event) TUESDAY, MARCH 4 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM | Academic Advising & Career Development LOPER SUCCESS HUB (2nd Floor of Library)
* Resume Review: Follow along with a career advisor to learn how to start or update your resume.
* Free Printing: Print your resume for free in preparation for the Career and Internship Fair. Make sure to stop by anytime during the event to get your resume ready for the big day! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ JCPENNEY SUIT UP EVENT (Prep Event) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 3:00 - 6:00 PM | JCPENNEY HILLTOP MALL
* Career Apparel: Check out the newest career apparel from JCPenney.
* Exclusive Discount: Receive a special discount with your student ID.
* Shop Online: Text SUITUP2 to 67292 to receive a 30% off coupon Don't miss out on this opportunity to gear up for success! ____________________________________________________________________________________________
STUDENTS CAN PREPARE FOR THE CAREER FAIR BY FOLLOWING THE STEPS OUTLINED HERE: Career Fair Prep Guide for Studentshttps://www.unk.edu/offices/acs/career-fair-prep.php ____________________________________________________________________________________________
CHECK OUT ALL THE EMPLOYERS THAT HAVE REGISTERED: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://app.joinhandshake.com/career_fairs/bd4bb... .
Please feel free to reach out with any questions. We look forward to seeing you on March 6!
--Your Academic Advising and Career Development Team
Angela Mercer Advisor and Career Specialist Academic Advising & Career Development Loper Success Hub | Calvin T Ryan Library (308) 865-8068 | mercera2@unk.edumailto:mercera2@unk.edu University of Nebraska Kearneyhttps://www.unk.edu/offices/acs/index.php
Need to schedule an appointment? Book here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/Angie... > [cid:image001.jpg@01DB81FE.41DB9EF0]