All - Some of you weren’t on the original messages for the calendar invites to I am re-sending. Hope this helps! Kathleen
From: klodl1(a)
When: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM February 2, 2024
Subject: Big Ten Outreach Engagement
[… ]<;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!CoExhoknV… >
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Kathleen Lodl is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Hello all –
Thanks for a fantastic Big Ten Engagement meeting; it was great to see people in person and share ideas! Also, thanks to all who led the different sessions, nicely done!
We came up with topics where we needed to do a deeper dive, some of these could be addressed at our monthly meetings. We also agreed that we need to convene more regularly, we’re looking for dates in May, 2025 (see below).
Topics that came up for further discussion (no particular order):
* Engagement Maps
* Examples
* How they can be used to better tell the engagement story
* Partnership between engagement and Cooperative Extension
* Rutgers and Nebraska are potential examples
* Advancement/Fund Raising
* What are strategies for raising funds?
* How do we bring that work together?
* Minnesota is one example
* Promotion and Tenure as it relates to Engagement
* Integrated approaches
* Program Impact
* Impact beyond outputs
* Reporting Engagement Impact
* A centralized strategy?
* De-centralized collection and we sort
* Where Engagement “Lives” on Campus
* Pros and Cons of various options
* Community Engaged Research and/or Teaching Symposiums
* Strategies and best practices
* Working with Academic Advisors
* Involving them in the engagement process
Questions for Big Ten Admin:
* Are there avenues through the Big Ten Academic Alliance that we can use to better promote the work of Engagement?
* Other ideas for partnerships?
We will discuss how we want to address these and who might lead the discussions during our next meeting on Friday, November 1.
Please fill out the survey to determine which dates would work best for a May F2F meeting. We’ll again work with the Big Ten Conference Center for space.… <…>
Thanks to all for being amazing partners!
Kathleen & Ryan
Kathleen Lodl
Associate Dean/4-H Program Administrator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension
211 Ag Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0703
402.472.2966 • klodl1(a)<><>
[ebook icon]<;!!Pv… > [tter icon] <;!!PvXuogZ4sR… > [terest - Keep Ohio Beautiful] <… > [signature_272149894]
Here is the poster on mapping mentioned at the retreat.
Laurie A. Van Egeren, Ph.D.
*Vice Provost for Public Engagement*
University of Minnesota
*President, Engagement Scholarship Consortium*
Laurie A. Van Egeren, Ph.D.
*Vice Provost for Public Engagement*
University of Minnesota
*President, Engagement Scholarship Consortium*
If anyone is at the Rose and needs to go over, the shuttle is leaving at 8:15
Brian Patrick Kurisky, Ph.D.
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Executive Director for the Collaborative Center for Community Engagement<>
Division of Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement<>
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Lucy Stone Hall | Livingston Campus
Office A329 | New Brunswick, NJ 08901
P: 848-445-4041 | brian.kurisky(a)