Dear Big Ten Engagement Leaders,
People have expressed interest in visiting the University of Pittsburgh's
Engagement Centers <> to learn more about their
model of community commitment and sustained collaborative partnerships. Dr.
Lina Dostilio, Pitt's Vice Chancellor of Engagement and Community Affairs,
and her team have kindly offered a curated visit:
*Dates: *Evening of Monday, May 6 to noon on Wednesday, May 8, 2025.
*Cost:* $175/person, covering meals and local transportation
*Sessions: *Pitt's place-based engagement strategy, achor initiatives,
communication and data-tracking strategies, and built-in times for group
*Travel:* Arrange own travel; they will recommend a few hotels for lodging.
*Number of participants:* Maximum of 16
If you are interested in this opportunity, please complete this form
<>. We will assess the
number of people interested and confirm registration by January.
*Please complete the interest form by December 15. *
Have an excellent holiday week, Laurie
Laurie A. Van Egeren, Ph.D.
*Vice Provost for Public Engagement*
University of Minnesota
*President, Engagement Scholarship Consortium*
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to share that we have started the search for the Assistant Director for Community-Engaged Scholarship (ADCES). Having a robust and diverse applicant pool is a priority for us, so thank you in advance for sharing the position announcement widely and reaching out to specific individuals you think might be interested.
The Morgridge Center for Public Service is the primary civic engagement and community-engaged scholarship center on the UW-Madison campus. It has campus-wide responsibilities, supporting all 13 colleges and schools, over 300 community partners, and over 5,000 students each year. Established in 1996, the Morgridge Center has aimed to connect campus and community through community engagement, community-based learning and research with goals of building a thriving democratic society and at the same time building capacity in partnership with our local, regional and global communities. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and inclusive atmosphere for everyone. We encourage community minded folks with a social justice orientation to consider joining the Morgridge Center family.
The Assistant Director of Community-Engaged Scholarship is responsible for directing graduate and faculty-focused programs, events, and efforts to foster and institutionalize community-engaged teaching, research and scholarship on campus.
The position has been posted and will close on Thursday, December 12th. For more details, please visit:…
Thank you in advance for your efforts in sharing this opportunity widely with folks in your networks and to encourage potential candidates to apply. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions about the position.
Warm Regards,
Lisa Chambers
Administrative Director
Morgridge Center for Public Service
154 Red Gym, 716 Langdon St.
Madison, WI 53706
608 263-2508
608 514-3499 (cell)
my pronouns: she, her, hers<>
Please let me know if you need accommodation for our meeting.
On November 19, 2024, there is a webinar entitled "The Process is the Prize: Reflections on High Quality Community-Engagement Partnerships and the Carnegie Community Engagement Application." To quote the description:
The Classification seeks to recognize institutions that demonstrate commitment and excellence in community engagement. As such, it requires a large body of evidence of meaningful and sustained institutional investment of systems and structures that support individuals, groups, and communities to work with each other for mutual benefit and in a context of reciprocal partnership.
In reciprocal and epistemically inclusive partnerships, there are collaborative community-campus definitions of problems, solutions, and measures of success. Community engagement requires processes in which academics recognize, respect, and value the knowledge, perspectives, and resources of community partners and that are designed to serve a public purpose, building the capacity of individuals, groups, and organizations involved to understand and collaboratively address issues of public concern.
And yet, in our engagement efforts, the community typically possesses less authority than the institution, and its assets are often overlooked or considered less essential. Despite progress toward more democratic practices, the dominant framework for university-community engagement continues to view the community as deficient and in need of fixing, and its residents as clients rather than co-educators, co-learners, and co-generators of knowledge;
This webinar considers why rhetoric and convictions often fall short of practice, and what we can do . It will explore: 1) Barriers that institutions face in pursuing reciprocity; 2) the benefit of focusing on "partnerships" rather than "projects" to achieve reciprocity; and 3) insights from experts who will share best practices in how to share authority, responsibility and accountability with community partners. Additionally, the webinar will provide key tips on how to weave the community's voice throughout the application and how to prepare your partners for the application partner survey.
To register for the webinar, please visit the Process is the Prize registration webpage<…>.
Brian Patrick Kurisky, Ph.D.
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Executive Director for the Collaborative Center for Community Engagement<>
Division of Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement<>
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Lucy Stone Hall | Livingston Campus
Office A329 | New Brunswick, NJ 08901
P: 848-445-4041 | brian.kurisky(a)
This is a call for application reviewers for the Carnegie Classification. You will be trained. I have done this prior and will be hopefully doing it again this time around.
There will be a call for graduate students to aid in the process coming out soon. Once that is done, I will post to the listserv to share with graduate students.
Brian Patrick Kurisky, Ph.D.
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Executive Director for the Collaborative Center for Community Engagement<>
Division of Diversity, Inclusion and Community Engagement<>
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Lucy Stone Hall | Livingston Campus
Office A329 | New Brunswick, NJ 08901
P: 848-445-4041 | brian.kurisky(a)<>
From: Brian Patrick Kurisky <bkurisky(a)>
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2024 10:20 AM
To: Brian Kurisky <brian.kurisky(a)>
Subject: Fwd: Call for 2026 Cycle Tier One Reviewers- Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jones, Cammie <CJones(a)<>>
Date: Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Call for 2026 Cycle Tier One Reviewers- Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement
Dear Colleagues,
I am happy to share the call for the 2026 CE reviewers announcement below. I would greatly appreciate if you could share this in your circles or apply. Consultants are eligible to apply but must share the campuses they are working with for 2026/2024. This year, we are implementing an exciting opportunity for team leads which you can learn more about in the call for reviewers below! The graduate fellows application will be shared post-election. Thank you in advance.
Call for 2026 Cycle Tier One Reviewers- Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement
Deadline for submission: December 1, 2024
Training and Consultations: January 30, February 6, February 20, and April 24 2025 (3:00 pm-5:00 pm EST)
Summer Review Timeline: May 1-August 4, 2025
Application Form: Click Here<>
Starting in the 2024 cycle, the Carnegie Elective Classifications piloted a peer review process for the Community Engagement Classification and will continue to offer this in the 2026 cycle. The goal of having a peer review process is to make the elective classification of and by the field and increase the diversity of reviewers who both understand and represent the broader landscape of higher education institutions and community engagement.
Please fill out the application below to be considered to be a Tier One Reviewer for the 2026 Community Engagement Elective Classification cycle. Please read the entire call for reviewers<> before applying.
Reviewers will be trained in holistic review practices and approaches and reviewer documentation. Tier One Reviewer teams will be constructed to represent a diversity of backgrounds and experiences. The Carnegie Elective Classifications Office will determine the number of required reviewers based on the number of institutions that indicate they will apply in the 2026 cycle. The Elective Classifications Office will make a limited selection of individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and institutions.
The review process is three-tiered:
Tier One: Peer Review Teams - 3-4 individuals per team; teams will review 8-10 applications. If teams do not reach a consensus, then reviews will move to a senior review committee.
The Elective Classifications Office will select and train reviewers from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and institutions. Reviewers will be compensated $150 for the training and $100 per application reviewed.
Eligibility Criteria for Tier One Reviewers
Community engagement professional: faculty (from any employment status), administrators, and/or staff who:
· Have relevant work experience in community-engaged scholarship, community-engaged teaching and/or service-learning pedagogies, and/or community-engaged service.
* Have earned a bachelor’s degree in any field; master’s and doctoral degrees preferred
* Are currently active in the community engagement field: employed by or recently retired from an accredited institution or higher education serving non-profit organization.
* US-based professionals are preferred.
* Previous experience with a successful campus application process (committee) at a classified campus is not required.
* Candidates from all levels of experience with community-engaged scholarship, community-engaged teaching and/or service-learning pedagogies, and/or community-engaged service are encouraged to apply.
* Candidates who are BIPOC are strongly encouraged to apply including gender, race/ethnicity
* Interested candidates who are employed at or have worked at a community college or Minority Serving Institution are strongly encouraged to apply. This includes AANAPISI, HBCU, HSI, PBI, TC, etc.
* Interested candidates who are Spanish-literate and/or multi-lingual are strongly encouraged to apply.
Interested applicants should fill out the application form<> by December 1, 2024. Please direct questions to carnegieelectives(a)<>!
Hello –
Thanks for the great conversation and especially for making it all work so easily! Here’s a recap of today’s meeting:
* Based on the survey results (thanks for the quick responses!), our F2Fis set for May 29 & 30 at the Big Ten Conference Center in Rosemont, IL. We will begin on Thursday at 8:30 and wrap up by noon on Friday.
* We developed an outline for our meeting agendas for the first four meetings of 2025, see attached. Thanks to those who agreed to lead the sessions – should be great discussions!
* We will continue to evolve that outline with topics we feel best suited for the F2F and for other monthly meetings. If you had ideas to add to that, please do!
* Given scheduling, our December meeting will be cancelled. Since the first Friday is on January 3, 2025, that may not work for many. Our next meeting will be Friday, January 10; a meeting invite will be forthcoming. After that, we will get back to our regular first Friday cadence.
Anything we’re missing? Again, thanks for being an amazing group of colleagues!
Kathleen & Ryan
Kathleen Lodl
Associate Dean/4-H Program Administrator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension
211 Ag Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0703
402.472.2966 • klodl1(a)<><>
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