People have expressed interest in visiting the
University of Pittsburgh's Engagement Centers to learn more about their model of community commitment and sustained collaborative partnerships. Dr. Lina Dostilio, Pitt's Vice Chancellor of Engagement and Community Affairs, and her team have kindly offered a curated visit:
Dates: Evening of Monday, May 6 5 to noon on Wednesday, May 8 7, 2025.
Cost: $175/person, covering meals and local transportation
Sessions: Pitt's place-based engagement strategy, achor initiatives, communication and data-tracking strategies, and built-in times for group reflection
Travel: Arrange own travel; they will recommend a few hotels for lodging.
Number of participants: Maximum of 16
If you are interested in this opportunity,
please complete this form. We will assess the number of people interested and confirm registration by January.
Please complete the interest form by December 15.
Have an excellent holiday week, Laurie
Laurie A. Van Egeren, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Public Engagement
University of Minnesota
President, Engagement Scholarship Consortium