Hello all –
Given the holiday this week, the attendance at Friday’s Engagement meeting is light. We’re proposing cancelling the meeting; instead, we’d like your input on the DRAFT agenda for the October F2F meeting to be held October 3-4 at the Big10
Conference Center (attached).
- We started with topics you identified in the survey; we also know there are others you may want to address. Let us know what those are and we can make it happen.
- We set the time to adjourn at 11:00 on Friday so you could still make the early afternoon flights, see if that makes sense.
- Once we get the topics down, we’ll work on who might be best positioned to lead the conversations around those topics.
- Is there anyone we want to invite in from outside the group? Could be an outside perspective? One of our top administrators, etc.? They could join via
zoom if we thought it was helpful.
- We’ll have a registration fee to cover morning coffee/breaks and lunch. Lodging and dinner will be on your own. The space is no charge to us.
Feel free to respond to all or contact Ryan or I directly, open to all ideas! We’re excited to see this moving ahead!
Have a great 4th!
Ryan and Kathleen

Kathleen Lodl
Associate Dean/4-H Program Administrator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension
211 Ag Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0703
402.472.2966 • klodl1@unl.edu
