Hey Kal,

We have had this experience at Rutgers as well - students register for a trip but then they don't show up on the day of the event.  Here are some things we've tried to alleviate the problem. 

A few years ago, we asked students to put down a small cash deposit after registering (This was before Venmo).  Students had to stop by our office with $10 to secure their spot.  We held on to their cash in our office and then returned it to them once they got on the bus.  We would get 100% attendance - no issues.  But, holding on to cash can be risky and students usually use mobile payment systems these days and complain about not having paper money.  

Now, we keep a waitlist and let those at the top of that list know that they can try "standby" in case of a no-show on the day of the trip.  We usually have 5-10 waitlisters come and let them on the bus if a confirmed student doesn't show up.  It's not ideal (sometimes we need to turn waitlisters away and other times I still have more no-shows than waitlisters) but it does help.  

Good luck,

Greg Costalas
Assistant Director - Global Programming and Events
Rutgers Global
30 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901

From: Jordan-DeBruin, Kal <jordan-debruin.1@osu.edu>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 10:35 AM
To: btaa.intl.support@lists.unl.edu <btaa.intl.support@lists.unl.edu>
Subject: [btaa.intl.support] Does your school charge students for programs/trips?

Hi everyone!


My name is Kal Jordan-DeBruin, and I work at Ohio State University in the Global Engagement program. I hope you’re all doing well!


We are considering ways to reduce student “no-shows” at events and trips. We’re mostly concerned because students are taking the chance from another student to get to go to our programs because there isn’t a ticket or space for them on the bus.


What are some of the ways that y’all are working to reduce this problem?  


Do any of your schools charge fees or “deposits” for students to go to your events? How does this work at your school? Do you charge students on the waitlist? Do you ask students to put down a “deposit” and then refund it if the student goes on the trip? What are the typical fees that you would charge?


Ohio State has never charged its students for trips and events arranged by Global Engagement/Office of International Affairs, so at this moment, we’re just collecting information on how this could look at our university.


Thank you in advance for any insight or feedback you may have!



Kal Jordan-DeBruin


The Ohio State University

Kal Jordan-DeBruin
Program Assistant for Global Engagement

The Ohio State University
Office of International Affairs
140 Enarson Classroom Building
2009 Millikin Road, Columbus, OH 43210

(614) 292-4952 (office)

Pronouns: she/her