Marina, Here’s some information about UW-Madison’s WhatsApp.
If you have more questions, feel free to contact Carmen Romero-Gonzalez. She is the director of our Cultural Linguistics Services department. She may have more information.
Thank you. Jennie
Jennifer Taylor, JD (she/her/hers) Director, International Faculty and Staff Services UW-Madison 608-263-5689
Please give feedback about our services here
From: Marina Uehara Sent: Friday, May 24, 2024 9:00 AM To: Subject: [] WhatsApp groups policies?
Morning all -
By chance would folks be willing to share if you have a set policy for university moderated WhatsApp/facebook/WeChat groups? Do you have rules or moderation guidelines?
Context: Our student conduct guidelines are applied at the moment of acceptance and therefore we have heard that students should be aware that posting on social media or online platforms, if it goes against student conduct, and if it ends up being reported to admissions, could impact their admissions offer.
Marina Uehara, LGSW
(pronouns;!!Mak6IKo!MmMuzF1vwF0FYoUOOd4V_tQh18g6JdzaH1WgE7JI8s1EOnKKoIDnjrqU5mdtE8cnxJ-WLGC8KV4sgTiWK0m1DSkw$: she, her, hers)
Program Director for Student Engagement International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS;!!Mak6IKo!MmMuzF1vwF0FYoUOOd4V_tQh18g6JdzaH1WgE7JI8s1EOnKKoIDnjrqU5mdtE8cnxJ-WLGC8KV4sgTiWK6SA2H86$) | Global Programs & Strategy Alliance;!!Mak6IKo!MmMuzF1vwF0FYoUOOd4V_tQh18g6JdzaH1WgE7JI8s1EOnKKoIDnjrqU5mdtE8cnxJ-WLGC8KV4sgTiWKzrWe4FK$ | University of Minnesota