Good Afternoon,

Attached is the final agenda for next Friday.

If you haven’t yet RSVP’d, please do so soon so we can confirm the catering order and guest parking.

Kind Regards,




Lorrie Adams

Executive Assistant to the Dean

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

College of Engineering

A655 Kiewit Hall, 1700 Vine St

Lincoln, NE 68588-0657

(402) 472-5259




From: Lorrie Adams
Sent: Monday, September 9, 2024 4:26 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: COE Advisory Board Meeting - October 4, 2024


Dear Advisory Board Members,


We are looking forward to having you all on campus in a few short weeks and would like to share information about the upcoming board meeting and COE Tailgate scheduled for October 5.


Please RSVP by end of the week so we can confirm catering.

Thursday, October 3

6:00 – 8:00 pm – Foundation dinner at Green Gateau

                                __Yes, I will attend the Thursday dinner at Green Gateau; Guest name ____________________________

                                __Dietary restrictions?

__No, I am unable to attend the Thursday dinner


Friday, October 4

8:30 – 1:00 pm – Advisory Board Meeting, Kiewit Hall Boardroom

                                __Yes, I will attend the Board Meeting on Friday

                                __Dietary restrictions?

__No, I am unable to attend the Friday board meeting


Saturday, October 5

3 hours before kickoff  COE Tailgate, Kiewit Hall

11am/2:30or3:00 pm   Homecoming – Nebraska vs Rutgers, Memorial Stadium

                                Link to register for the tailgate


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Warm Regards,



Lorrie Adams

Executive Assistant to the Dean

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

College of Engineering

A655 Kiewit Hall, 1700 Vine St

Lincoln, NE 68588-0657

(402) 472-5259