Good Morning Collaborative,
Sorry for the extra email this week. I forgot to mention an event your faculty might be interested in, the Community-UNL Opportunity Virtual Open Houses on September 17th at 1:30 and September 19th at 9:00.  

This event is for faculty who provide service-learning opportunities for their students and are looking for community partners for spring 2025 (and beyond) projects. 

The virtual open houses allow faculty members to attend two events to meet with several community members who may be interested in partnering. You can find more information here:

Please forward this email to any faculty members who might be interested in participating. 

If they are interested in participating, we need the following information from them: 

Overview of the project (3-4 sentences)
What is needed from the community (time, money, people, and what they would get out of it, 4-5 sentences)
If there is more information somewhere, like a website
Examples of past projects (a PPT, report, or news article)
Here is what we are using for the School of Computing as an example:
Overview: The University of Nebraska School of Computing’s Senior Design runs a capstone program for junior and senior students majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Software Engineering. This program provides students with real-life experience and prepares them for an industry career.  
What is needed: We are looking for 20+ industry organizations or UNL departments to sponsor a computing-design project for our students. As a project sponsor, you will receive around 1,500 student hours of development time over two semesters, plus 100% ownership of the Intellectual Property following the project's end. The students work in teams of 5-6 during the two semesters beginning in August and finishing in May of the following year. This program is an excellent way for your company to interact with UNL, create lasting relationships, and give back to the community by supporting the next generation of innovative talent. The cost is $20,000 for industry partners.  
More information:
Examples of past projects:

Jentry Barrett, Ph.D.

Campus Engagement Zone Coordinator

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Cooperative Ext Division

122 Mussehl Hall


Pronouns: she, her, hers
Book time with Jentry Barrett

Currently reading: We Are Free to Change the World by Lyndsey Stonebridge