

Thank you to all that met with Douglas and/or attended his presentation on July 15-16.  If you were not able to sit in on his presentation, a recording can be found herehttps://unl.zoom.us/rec/share/T2vwNhV1gDH2vTKAkwPUeFSeoMgONY2uVyf0SbGvbuQDrNrhAMRc-08shEEAlsc.gPLhg7-DPfzLhUsZ. Please excuse the bit of technical difficulties we had.  Everything was working great less than an hour before the presentation (of course!).


If you were able to interact with Douglas or sit in on his presentation, we would appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill out a short evaluation form for himhttps://unlcorexmuw.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9pDzoTSJuSCa9ZI.


Thank you!


Description automatically generated with medium confidenceA red letter on a black background

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Julie A Reiling                          

Senior Consultant

The Food Processing Center
Department of Food Science & Technology

University of Nebraska - Lincoln

1901 North 21st Street, FIC 271g

Lincoln, NE 68588-6206

402 472 2529 | jreiling2@unl.edu

The information, advice and opinions provided by a University of Nebraska employee represent the best judgment of the employee at that time, but should not be considered legal advice on any local, state, federal or international regulation or statute. We encourage you to contact the applicable regulatory agency and/or qualified attorney to confirm the information presented in this correspondence.