🌟Happy Holidays Food Science Family🌟

I would like to invite you to share your time during this season. The People's City Mission feeds hundreds of people each day and even more during the holiday season. In the spirit of giving, I would like to invite you to help serve a meal as a department. This Saturday, Dec. 14th from 4:30-7 at the People's City Mission on 110 Q Street. Your family members can help serve, also! We need about ten people to fill all of the roles this day.

If you would to help serve please sign up using both links below. The first is to create an account if you don't already have one. The second is to join our FDST group for the meal service that day.

Thanks again for reserving times to help serve the meal again! Here’s the info for our FDST team!


1.     Create an account by clicking this link: 

a.      https://pcmlincoln.galaxydigital.com/user/register/

2.     Join the team for December 14th meal serving from 4:30pm-7:00pm:

a.  https://pcmlincoln.galaxydigital.com/need/joinTeam/?hash_t=ND9nOPrPbjYAw6dIt1hR%2Ba1G48KtBvSJ%2FTNqs8UoVQqiSWRoWbV9KVxmVW57D9op9tzjxshPE3Vv%2FzZpgtnsbg%3D%3D&hash_s=d1xt2jOljUqjE9PkJVpzNstDN5R%2FEbx28UCmynQZgYBiUPMAl4DU8ktafo7vllkQr5hUgTi54b7Qusp5ugu3Iw%3D%3D


Instructions for serving a meal: 

If you have any questions just contact me:) Looking forward to serving with you!

Sarah Gergen

Student Services Coordinator


University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Food Science & Technology

Food Innovation Center 224


(402) 472-2843