Hi Food Sci Family,
It has been an amazing few months of recruiting activities and some firsts, at that. I'd like to share that we are the WINNERS of the CASNR Crunch Off competition (see photo for trophy).  I am grateful for the ongoing help as you volunteer as an extra set of hands, tour guides, or stopping in to introduce yourself to our freshman class of budding Food Scientists. Some of you have offered ideas and are helping design lessons that turn into recruiting activities I can use to help students understand Food Science as a career. Amazing support as I seem like a one-horse act! Thank you, thank you. Every bit counts as recruiting.

I am sharing more volunteer opportunities over the next few weeks. There are dates and brief descriptions below. I can share more details if you have any questions. Just let me know.
Thank you for your consideration,

4 Volunteers - Thurs. 11/7 - 30 minutes - LPS Culinary II Classes - Give tour of FIC 1st floor (times 12, 12:30,1,  and 1:30) PLEASE indicate which 30 timeframe 
1 Volunteer - Mon. 11/18 - 30 minutes - Activity prep in 105 - 1-2pm
2 Volunteers - Thurs. 11/14 - 6 - 8pm STEM night at Kahoa Elementary (7700 Leighton Ave.) - table top activity about food sci. (I'll provide you the table setup)

Sarah Gergen

Student Services Coordinator


University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Food Science & Technology

Food Innovation Center 224


(402) 472-2843