Recent Publications
Dexheimer S, Shrestha N, Chapagain BS, Bujarski J#, Yin Y# (2024) Characterization of Multivariate RNAs Encapsidated During Infection by Two Bromoviruses Based on ViReMa, Pathogens, 2024,
13(1), 96;
Feng X, Zheng J, Irisarri I, Yu H, Zheng B, Ali Z, de Vries S, Keller J, Fürst-Jansen JMR, Dadras A, Zegers JMS, Rieseberg TP, Dhabalia Ashok A, Darienko T, Bierenbroodspot MJ, Gramzow L, Petroll R, Haas FB, Fernandez-Pozo N, Nousias O, Li T, Fitzek E, Grayburn
WS, Rittmeier N, Permann C, Rümpler F, Archibald JM, Theißen G, Mower JP, Lorenz M, Buschmann H, von Schwartzenberg K, Boston L, Hayes RD, Daum C, Barry K, Grigoriev IV, Wang X, Li FW, Rensing SA, Ben Ari J, Keren N, Mosquna A, Holzinger A, Delaux PM, Zhang
C, Huang J, Mutwil M, de Vries J#, Yin Y#. (2024) Genomes of multicellular algal sisters to land plants illuminate signaling network evolution. Nature Genetics. 2024 May 1. doi: 10.1038/s41588-024-01737-3.
Online ahead of print. PMID: 38693345
Li T, Zheng J, Nousias O, Meinhardt L, Goenaga R, Zhang D, Yin Y#. (2024) The cherimoya genome reveals insights into the intra-specific divergence, the evolution of Magnoliales, and a
putative gene cluster for acetogenin biosynthesis, Plants, 2024, 13(5), 636;
Nousias O, Zheng ^, Li T, Meinhardt L, Bailey B, Gutierrez O, Baruah IK, Cohen S, Zhang D,
Yin Y#. (2024) Three de novo assembled wild cacao genomes from the Upper Amazon, Scientific Data, DOI : 10.1038/s41597-024-03215-1