Dr. Yanbin Yin
and his team were the subject of a Nebraska Today article on their research into personalized nutritional medicine.
" Yin’s role in the movement toward personalized medicine is to develop and hone computational models and informatics tools to identify carbohydrate-active enzymes — known as CAZymes — in the gut microbiome that can build, modify and break down various complex carbohydrates,"
as described in the article.
Read the full article at
Nebraska Today
March 21, 2024, The Battle of the Food Scientists saw six teams go head-to-head at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s
Food Innovation Center located on Nebraska Innovation Campus. The seventh edition of the competition was centered on the topic of upcycling and functional foods. The contest featured a technical challenge in the first round in which contestants made high fiber
bars and a second round in which they incorporated aronia berry pomace into their signature dish. The pomace was a donation of A+ Berry. The event was live streamed. The 1st place team consisted of
Sayantini Paul,
Prabhashis Bose,
Baishakhi Biswas, and Bhupinder Kaur. A recording will be made available for the Department and the Phi Tau Sigma
Waraporn (Pookie) Mahlman
(right), lab manager for the Microbiology Lab of the FPC was the speaker at a recent Nebraska Innovation Campus Partner Lunch and Learn. Waraporn discussed the faculty, staff, and services available to food manufacturers large and small.
Dr. Andreia Bianchini
was recently named an fellow of The National Strategic Research Institute
. The NSRI is a University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) designated by the U.S. Department of Defense. Its mission is to ensure U.S. safety and preparedness
against increasingly sophisticated threats.

Lancaster County 4-H named the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Food Science and
Technology as winner of the January Heart of 4-H Award in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
UNL Food Science and Technology Department staff and graduate students who presented a recent
4-H workshop are (from left) Liya Mo,
graduate student; Carmen Sabillon,
intern; Andreia Bianchini,
associate professor; Junsi Yang,
lecturer; and Emily Dowell,
graduate student.
Upcoming Events
April 15
Food Science Research Symposium
Recent Publications
Gitungwa H, Gustafson CR, Rose DJ. 2024. Comparing the impact of simple and educational point-of-decision messages on nutritional choice outcomes. Appetite 197:107301.
Deehan EC, Mocanu V, Madsen KL. Effects of dietary fiber on metabolic health and obesity. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2024.
Motta-Romero HA, Guha S, Majumder K, Rose DJ. The effect of food processing on the bioaccessibility of cadmium and micronutrients from whole wheat porridge. Cereal Chemistry in press (DOI: 10.1002/cche.10778).
Recent Awards
Emerson Nolasco -
Dr. & Mrs. Lund Student International Travel Scholarship, Phi Tau Sigma.
Emerson Nolasco -
Lohr Family Excellence in NFHC Research Award,
Nebraska Food for Health Center (NFHC), University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Associate Microbiologist
- Conagra
As the Associate Microbiologist, reporting to a Senior Microbiologist, you will draw upon your education and experience in microbiology to analyze and study the general
properties of bacteria and other microorganisms in both food and food processing environments through applied research and routine testing at the Corporate Microbiology Laboratory. You will conduct a wide range of tests to assess that quality specifications
have been met.
Associate R&D Technologist
- Smithfield
The Associate Research and Development Technologist will assist in supporting projects and documenting results as well as the research of programs to drive cost optimization
through formulation and processing efficiencies, create new prototypes for product development initiatives, and identify/approve potential ingredient and manufacturing suppliers.
Dave Theno Food Safety Fellowship
The Dave Theno Fellow will work 35 hours a week in the Stop Foodborne Illness (STOP) offices. The Fellow will complete the following responsibilities, working within
the mission of STOP. Work will focus mainly on designated research project, in conjunction with Michigan State University (MSU) while also participating in other activities that support learning and experience in food safety. Fellowship is based in Chicago,
IL with a salary of $31,000.
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