Ohio STATE is Seeking an MS student (Food Science) to begin Summer/Fall 2025 at Ohio State University
This project is part of a USDA NIFA Higher Education Challenge Grant titled "Development of a diverse and competent food safety compliance workforce to enhance trust in a secure food system" in collaboration with NC State University and Tuskegee University.
Specifically, the MS student will likely focus on a project assessing student perceptions of careers in auditing, inspection, and assessment and/or evaluate programmatic data from stakeholders using the newly developed curriculum and resources. Project topic is flexible but will focus on some aspect of food safety auditing, inspection, and assessment. Ideally, a student would begin integrating themselves into the project/grant asap. Feel free to contact me directly with any questions: Nicole Arnold, arnold.1363@osu.edu
Nicole Arnold, PhD
Assistant Professor and Food Safety Field Specialist
Ohio State University Extension
Ag Admin Bldg, Room 003 - 2120 Fyffe Road - Columbus, OH 43210