Hi all,
Thanks to everyone that responded to this e-mail.
As a follow up, we are trying to find out if we can openly share Graye’s address. I will send an e-mail to the group when we find out. If we can’t share Graye’s address, we will figure something out.
Silvana Martini, PhD Professor, Department Head University of Nebraska–Lincoln Food Science & Technology Lincoln, NE Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023) |
From: Silvana Martini
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2024 10:33 AM
To: 'fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu' <fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu>
Subject: News about Graye
Hi all,
I have some bad news to share…
As many of you know, Graye has been dealing with health issues for the last couple of months. Last week, she was admitted to the hospital, and they discovered that her cancer has spread to her brain. She is currently unavailable to work and decided to move into home hospice.
Michelle, her wife, shared this shopping list with us (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/254KI7YRA873E?ref_=wl_share__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!EJl_Gkv4UsuEc5E0SwnHNYJoWjBPIyVlHMJb-CgEDKcrQ32gla44hNr2jOEy_7DbdP2W27iEf0I_8tI$), in case you want to help them in this difficult time.
The FST Department is sending flowers to her house today.
Silvana Martini, PhD Professor, Department Head University of Nebraska–Lincoln Food Science & Technology Lincoln, NE Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023) |