Dr. Lauren Jackson began her career as regulatory scientist at the at U.S. FDA/CFSAN in 1991. She currently serves as Chief of the Process Engineering Branch in the Division of Food Processing
Science and Technology, located in Bedford Park, IL. In her current position, Dr. Jackson provides managerial leadership, program direction and general oversight to 13 research scientists. She is also responsible for developing and conducting research on the
impact of processing on food safety and serves as an FDA subject matter expert on food allergens and chemical contaminants. Lauren authored over 150 published papers, book chapters and abstracts and co-edited five books. She is an active member of IFT, IAFP
and ACS and is a Scientific Editor for the Journal of Food Protection and an Associate Editor for Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. In 2016, Lauren was elected a Fellow of the ACS, and in 2019, was elected a Fellow of the IFT. Lauren holds
a B.S. in Food Science from Cornell University, and a M.S. and Ph.D., both in Food Science, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.