Ohio STATE is Seeking an MS student (Food Science) to begin Summer/Fall 2025 at Ohio State University
This project is part of a USDA NIFA Higher Education Challenge Grant titled "Development of a diverse and competent food safety compliance workforce to enhance trust in a secure food system" in collaboration with NC State University and Tuskegee University.
Grant Goals:
Lead a nationwide effort to recruit and develop a competent
workforce of food safety auditing, inspection, and assessment (AIA) professionals
Develop a turnkey and flexible curriculum that equips food safety educators to cultivate the next generation of food AIA professionals
Develop an AIA community of practice for food safety educators
Develop and implement a sustainable model for dissemination of the curriculum
Produce research-based marketing strategies and materials for recruiting students into food AIA careers for food safety educators to use
Develop an easy-to-access network of professionals and organizations for educators and students to engage with
Specifically, the MS student will likely focus on a project assessing student perceptions of careers in auditing, inspection, and assessment and/or evaluate programmatic data from stakeholders using the newly developed curriculum and resources. Project topic is flexible but will focus on some aspect of food safety auditing, inspection, and assessment. Ideally, a student would begin integrating themselves into the project/grant asap. Feel free to contact me directly with any questions: Nicole Arnold, arnold.1363@osu.edu
Nicole Arnold, PhD
Assistant Professor and Food Safety Field Specialist
Ohio State University Extension
Ag Admin Bldg, Room 003 - 2120 Fyffe Road - Columbus, OH 43210