Dear Food Science Department Community

Please join us next week on September 19 at 12:00 pm in FIC 277 for our second seminar sponsored by the Nebraska Food for Health Center (see attached flyer for Dr. Mangalam's bio)

Microbiome Maestro: A Dietary Approach to Harmonizing Health in Multiple Sclerosis

Ashutosh Mangalam, PhD
Associate Professor
The University of Iowa

Meeting URL: 

Meeting ID:    934 1335 8774

Reception to follow in FIC 275

Upcoming Seminars:

To book an appointment with me please use the following link to see my availability and make the booking online Book time with Rossana Villa Rojas

Rossana Villa-Rojas

Asst Prof Practice

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Food Science & Technology

1901 N 21st street room 263

Lincoln, NE 68588-6205