Hey Sarah 
I am excited to participate in the upcoming culinary competition but couldn’t find the WR code to register. Could you please assist me in signing up? I have a team of four and would love to join.

Thank you 
Rachana Police

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From: Sarah Gergen <sgergen2@unl.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 3, 2025 2:14:31 PM
To: 'fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu' <fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu>
Cc: Michaela Tonack <mtonack2@unl.edu>; Tammera Mittelstet <tmittelstet@unl.edu>; Bailey Feit <bailey.feit@unl.edu>; Kristin Vest <kvest2@lps.org>
Subject: Battle of the Food Scientists - Thurs. March 13th
Come one, come all! Are you ready to showcase your culinary skills? How about creating a product that embraces the flavors of the world? Get a team together and register using the QR code on the flier below. Can't cook? Come cheer us on or watch our livestream of the competition using the link below.

Battle of Food Scientists '25.pdf


Sarah Gergen

Student Services Coordinator


University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Food Science & Technology

Food Innovation Center 224


(402) 472-2843