Student NewsDecember 11, 2024 |
| Huskers traveling home! Shuttle bus to take students to nearby airports for winter break travels. Reservations close at 11:59 p.m. on Dec 15.
| UNL Recreation & Well-BeingThe Nebraska experience is one of mind and body. A healthy, capable mind depends on a healthy body — which is why we provide ample resources for you to live your best life in both of these areas. Click below to make an appointment for Healthcare, Outdoor Adventure Planning, Nutrition Counseling, etc.
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Food Science Club meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 4 - 5 in Room 111. Learn more about the club, their activities, and chat with current members. An industry representative will join us, we have activities, and dinner
Good luck with finals and happy holidays! See you next semester  If you have questions, please reach out to Mary Morran at mmorran2@huskers.unl.edu. |
Food Science Club T-Shirt Forms https://forms.gle/ArRmJrEbj5iwMK1W9
Fill out to request a food science club shirt (or two!) They are $15 payed at pickup! Please fill out the form above to get your shirt.
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Events Wednesday, Dec. 11th, 10-12pm & 1-2:30pm - Sensory Panel to taste samples of Hot Honey, FIC 103
Thursday, Dec. 12th, 4-5pm - Complex Biosystems Seminar Series presents Dr. Robert Hutkins, “Eating Microbes: Making the case for probiotics, synbiotics, and fermented foods int he human diet”, Beadle N176, Zoom Meeting http://unl.zoom.us/j/9949399928
Friday, Dec. 20th, 11-12pm - FDST Salute to Graduates Reception, FIC Room 111
Friday, Dec. 20th, 5pm - CASNR Salute to Graduates, E. Campus Union, Great Plains Room, Reception with light refreshments and a photo booth, Salute ceremony to follow, 6pm.
*For volunteer opportunities to help represent Food Science, contact Sarah Gergen sgergen2@unl.edu, FIC office 224, (402) 472-2831 |
You are invited to taste two samples of Hot Honey. The panels will be held on Wednesday, December 11, in the Sensory Laboratory (FIC 103) in the Department of Food Science and Technology. Tasting will take place from 10:00 am to Noon and 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.  This test is a Hedonic test asking your opinion on the honey samples as well as your preference between the two samples. As usual a "treat" will be provided. Your participation in this panel will be greatly appreciated! |
INBREScholarship Program $18,500 Fellowship in Biomedial Research INBRE is a scholarship program that selects highly qualified undergraduates for an opportunity to pursue original biomedical research within academic laboratories in Nebraska. It is geared to those aspiring to pursue advanced education in biomedical research (i.e., a Ph.D. degree). The program requires a two-year commitment. Usually, 3-4 new students will be selected as INBRE scholars each year. Apply by Dec. 23rd.
For more information, visit www.unmc.edu/inbre and https://biosci.unl.edu/inbre-scholar-program |
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Emily J. Prior Scholarship Fund - The Prior Scholarship fund program was established in loving memory of Emily Prior for her dedicated military service as Chief, Concepts and Systems Division, Army Center of Excellence Subsistence (ACES). The purpose of this scholarship is to honor and assist qualified students who are majoring in food science, packaging, or related areas. The 2024 Award recipients will be notified on January 31, 2025. Application deadline, December 31, 2024
For more information or to submit a nomination, please Click Here. |
Food Science Opportunities - Product Competitions! |
The American Egg Board’s Eggcelerator Lab® is excited to launch its 2025 Product Development Competition. This competition will engage, excite, and encourage students to think big by showcasing their knowledge, expertise, and ideas in creating food products that focus on New and Novel Uses for Egg Yolks. Entries due Jan 21, 2025 For more information Click Here. |
The 2025 DMI New Product CompetitionThe Dairy Management Inc. New Product Competition now accepts entries for 2025. The competition seeks the next new innovative product. The theme for 2025 is Innovative, Dairy-Based Products for Healthy Heart & Weight. Deadline for contest submissions is Jan. 13th, 2025 Click Here. |
Internships, Jobs & Other Opportunities |
2025 AOAC Student Scientist Awards Call for Applications  Applications are now being accepted for three major AOAC INTERNATIONAL student awards: Win cash prizes and raise your professional profile!  Application Deadline: 11:59 pm EST on Friday, February 28, 2025
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Cornell University 2025 Summer Scholars program Any undergraduate level student (rising Sophomore through rising Senior) is welcome to apply. This program is a great recruitment opportunity for our graduate programs, but also a great opportunity for students to explore the field of Food Science and gain valuable research experience they might not be able to get at their home institution.  Apply here. Application deadline is December 15, 2024. Feel free to direct any inquiries to  Garrett Downing he/him Undergraduate Program Coordinator Food Science, Viticulture & Enology Stocking Hall M10  College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Cornell University 607-255-3219 gdowning@cornell.edu  |  cals.cornell.edu/food-science
| AAMP Internship OpportunitiesAAMP’s Internship program provides opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students to gain additional knowledge and experience in the meat industry. Participants must be at least 18 years of age or older. Participants must have a reliable source of transportation. For more information, contact Nelson Gaydos at nelson@aamp.com. |
Ohio STATE is Seeking an MS student (Food Science) to begin Summer/Fall 2025 at Ohio State University  This project is part of a USDA NIFA Higher Education Challenge Grant titled "Development of a diverse and competent food safety compliance workforce to enhance trust in a secure food system" in collaboration with NC State University and Tuskegee University.  Specifically, the MS student will likely focus on a project assessing student perceptions of careers in auditing, inspection, and assessment and/or evaluate programmatic data from stakeholders using the newly developed curriculum and resources. Project topic is flexible but will focus on some aspect of food safety auditing, inspection, and assessment. Ideally, a student would begin integrating themselves into the project/grant asap. Feel free to contact me directly with any questions: Nicole Arnold, arnold.1363@osu.edu  Nicole Arnold, PhD Assistant Professor and Food Safety Field Specialist Ohio State University Extension Ag Admin Bldg, Room 003 - 2120 Fyffe Road - Columbus, OH 43210 |
December 11 - Noodle Ring Day December 12 - Gingerbread House Decorating Day & National Ambrosia Day December 13 - National Cream Cheese Frosting Day & Cocoa Day December 14 - National Bouillabaisse Day & Roast Chestnuts Day December 15 - National Cupcake Day & Lemon Cupcake Day December 16 - National Chocolate Covered Anything Day!