Good Afternoon,


Please make note that when the custodial crew is cleaning the restrooms, you should not enter that restroom until they are finished.  The custodial crew places a magnetic yellow ribbon across the door or along the side of the door, similar to this:

Magnetic Door Barrier 'Closed For ...

Please do not enter the restroom when this ribbon is present across or alongside the restroom door (the 2nd floor lounge area restroom door cannot accommodate the ribbon being stretched across the door).


As a reminder, men’s and women’s restrooms are located on first, second, and third floors near the main elevator/stairwell as well as in the 2nd floor lounge area. Please use an alternative restroom when your usual restroom is being serviced.


Thank you,



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Julie A Reiling                           

Senior Consultant

The Food Processing Center
Department of Food Science & Technology

University of Nebraska - Lincoln

1901 North 21st Street, FIC 271g

Lincoln, NE 68588-6206

402 472 2529 |

The information, advice and opinions provided by a University of Nebraska employee represent the best judgment of the employee at that time, but should not be considered legal advice on any local, state, federal or international regulation or statute. We encourage you to contact the applicable regulatory agency and/or qualified attorney to confirm the information presented in this correspondence.