Hi all,
We've had a somewhat late application to the Grajeda Award. The application is attached as well as a note from Joy that adds some context. I would like to have us vote on this. To make it simple, please reply only to me with 'yes' or 'no' by the end of the day.
I would welcome discussion as well, but with the caveat that we do not have much time (we received the application only Thursday). For me, personally, I would suggest that we consider whether we want to provide the award to a first-year student simply because they were the only one to apply, especially given that we may have to do some fundraising for this award to be possible in subsequent years.
We'll likely need to add this award to our agenda for our spring meeting, but I'll send a separate email about that.
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Trey Andrews, PhD
Associate Professor
Ethnic Studies (Latinx Studies)
Co-Director, Minority Health Disparities Initiative
Director, Iniciativa HABLa
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
From: Joy Castro <jcastro2(a)unl.edu>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 12:30 PM
To: Trey Andrews III <arthur.andrews(a)unl.edu>
Cc: Luis Othoniel Rosa <lrosarodriguez2(a)unl.edu>
Subject: Fw: Grajeda Graduate Student Support Fund: Nomination Letter for Maria Loya-Perez
Dear Trey, with Luis copied,
We've just received one nomination for the Grajeda Award, attached here. I know of no others (and there are no other graduate students who might even be eligible this year).
Would you like to have LLAS vote on whether the award should be given? If so, let's turn this around by March 3.
This year, we have only $256 remaining in the Grajeda account, so if we decide to award it, I would recommend a $250 amount, with a commitment on everyone's part to fundraise for the award if we want to continue to give it.
All kind wishes,
Dr. Joy Castro
Willa Cather Professor of English & Ethnic Studies
Director, Institute for Ethnic Studies
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.joycastro.com__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!A… <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.joycastro.com__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!A… > @_JoyCastro
325G Pound Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588
Series Editor, Machete
The Ohio State University Press
I acknowledge and honor the Pawnee, Ponca, Otoe-Missouria, Umonhon (Omaha), Dakota, Lakota, Arapaho, Tsististas & Suhtai (Cheyenne), and Kaw Peoples, as well as the relocated Ho-Chunk, Iowa, and Sac and Fox Peoples, upon whose homelands now reside the campuses and programs of the University of Nebraska, a land-grant institution. Let us recognize the legacies of violence, displacement, and survival that bring us here today.
From: Stacey Waite <swaite2(a)unl.edu<mailto:swaite2@unl.edu>>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2025 11:25 AM
To: Joy Castro <jcastro2(a)unl.edu<mailto:jcastro2@unl.edu>>
Subject: Grajeda Graduate Student Support Fund: Nomination Letter for Maria Loya-Perez
Dear Joy,
Please find attached my letter of support for our graduate student, Maria!
I haven't done one of these before, so if there is anything else you'd need to know, please let me know, and I am happy to provide.
Thanks so much!
Stacey Waite
Associate Professor
Graduate Chair, Department of English
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
202 Andrews Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0333
Hi all,
Just a friendly reminder that we have our LLAS meeting today from 1:30 to 2:30 via zoom (link is below and in the agenda).
As you'll see, our main item is discussing the budget for this year. I listed a few ideas that I'm reasonably confident we've done in the past and I hope you come with other ideas.
I'm also proposing an open discussion if there are issues you'd like to see LLAS address, either in the meeting or this academic year. If you aren't able to attend and have ideas, please do email me.
Zoom link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://unl.zoom.us/j/92287870616?from=addon__;… <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/unl.zoom.us/j/92287870616?from=addon__;!…>
See you this afternoon!
Trey Andrews, PhD<https://psychology.unl.edu/arthur-andrews>
Associate Professor
Ethnic Studies (Latinx Studies)
Co-Director, Minority Health Disparities Initiative<https://mhdi.unl.edu/>
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
317 Burnett Hall
Hi all,
I hope your first week is starting off well. I'm still getting settled into the liaison role and I'll ask for some patience as I get this (hopefully) figured out. As a first task, I'd like to schedule a couple of meetings for us. For the first, we will meet over zoom on September 13 at 1:30. We need to have this meeting early in the year to discuss a few items, including decisions about the LLAS budget. We have $5,000 for the year.
While I don't believe we've had a set time we've held our meetings, it seems like we have kept them on Friday afternoons. For this year, I plan to continue that trend and start each meeting at 1:30 and I'll try to keep it to one hour, respecting your time at the end of the week. I realize that some may not be able to make that time. I will send an agenda in advance so that if you are unable to make it, you may still submit any comments you have. That includes for the meeting on the 13th, where I would welcome any ideas or suggested priorities for the upcoming year.
I'll also propose that we hold a date toward the end of the semester as items for discussion will likely arise, though I do not have a specific agenda for that meeting, yet. For now, please mark your calendars for November 17 at 1:30. We may not need this meeting, but I want to make sure we have the time reserved.
Meeting dates so far:
September 13, 1:30 to 2:30 via zoom
November 17, 1:30 to 2:30 via zoom
Zoom link for meetings: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://unl.zoom.us/j/92287870616?from=addon__;…
As a final thing, we now have a listserv for LLAS that you can use to reach out to the group as a whole. You should all be able to post messages here (the email address should be included above). I'll try to use it in communicating with you all. Please feel free to reach out directly to me as well.
Trey Andrews, PhD<https://psychology.unl.edu/arthur-andrews>
Associate Professor
Ethnic Studies (Latinx Studies)
Co-Director, Minority Health Disparities Initiative<https://mhdi.unl.edu/>
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
317 Burnett Hall
Hi All,
Please see the attached flyer (and Joy's message below) about a virtual event this weekend. Some of you may be familiar with Las Voces, but it's a collective of Latinx voices here in the Lincoln area. They have several prominent members, including Marty Ramirez, who have worked closely with LLAS and the Institute.
Trey Andrews, PhD<https://psychology.unl.edu/arthur-andrews>
Associate Professor
Ethnic Studies (Latinx Studies)
Co-Director, Minority Health Disparities Initiative<https://mhdi.unl.edu/>
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
317 Burnett Hall
From: Joy Castro <jcastro2(a)unl.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 11:52 AM
To: Trey Andrews III <arthur.andrews(a)unl.edu>
Subject: Las Voces Zoom summit this weekend
Dear Trey,
Dr. Marty Ramirez, professor emeritus and friend of the Institute and MASA, wanted the LLAS faculty members to know about this Las Voces summit this weekend in response to the possibility of the deportation of immigrants.
Would you please forward it to the LLAS listserv you created?
Many kind thanks,
Dr. Joy Castro
Willa Cather Professor of English & Ethnic Studies
Director, Institute for Ethnic Studies
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.joycastro.com__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!B… <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.joycastro.com__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!B… > @_JoyCastro
325G Pound Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588
Series Editor, Machete
The Ohio State University Press
I acknowledge and honor the Pawnee, Ponca, Oto-Missouria, Umonhon (Omaha), Dakota, Lakota, Arapaho, Tsististas & Suhtai (Cheyenne), and Kaw Peoples, as well as the relocated Ho-Chunk, Iowa, and Sac and Fox Peoples, upon whose homelands now reside the campuses and programs of the University of Nebraska, a land-grant institution. Let us recognize the legacies of violence, displacement, and survival that bring us here today.