Hi all,


I hope your first week is starting off well.  I’m still getting settled into the liaison role and I’ll ask for some patience as I get this (hopefully) figured out.  As a first task, I’d like to schedule a couple of meetings for us. For the first, we will meet over zoom on September 13 at 1:30.  We need to have this meeting early in the year to discuss a few items, including decisions about the LLAS budget.  We have $5,000 for the year.


While I don’t believe we’ve had a set time we’ve held our meetings, it seems like we have kept them on Friday afternoons.  For this year, I plan to continue that trend and start each meeting at 1:30 and I’ll try to keep it to one hour, respecting your time at the end of the week.  I realize that some may not be able to make that time.  I will send an agenda in advance so that if you are unable to make it, you may still submit any comments you have.  That includes for the meeting on the 13th, where I would welcome any ideas or suggested priorities for the upcoming year.


I’ll also propose that we hold a date toward the end of the semester as items for discussion will likely arise, though I do not have a specific agenda for that meeting, yet.  For now, please mark your calendars for November 17 at 1:30.  We may not need this meeting, but I want to make sure we have the time reserved.


Meeting dates so far:

September 13, 1:30 to 2:30 via zoom

November 17, 1:30 to 2:30 via zoom


Zoom link for meetings: https://unl.zoom.us/j/92287870616?from=addon



As a final thing, we now have a listserv for LLAS that you can use to reach out to the group as a whole.  You should all be able to post messages here (the email address should be included above). I’ll try to use it in communicating with you all.  Please feel free to reach out directly to me as well.





Trey Andrews, PhD

Associate Professor


Ethnic Studies (Latinx Studies)

Co-Director, Minority Health Disparities Initiative

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

317 Burnett Hall
