Greetings from the chilly, misty Wednesday morning. We will start in the greenhouse on Saturday and finish in the classroom. Please
bring your journals! Remember those? We're starting our dive into entrepreneurship: setting prices, structuring a business, etc. You'll want to take notes. Depending on how the morning goes, we may be able to also touch back in with Braiding Sweetgrass,
please read or listen to Chapter 4, An Offering. This link goes to a youtube of somebody else reading of the chapter, but I understand that if you have Spotify, it's actually her reading it, so more cool.
I look forward to seeing you Saturday. I really appreciated how many of you stayed til noon last week. That was valuable community time. Please aim for that again this week.
Many thanks,
Ps- those with home gardens- there's another frost predicted about 10 days out. It's time to heal in anything in pots that hasn't already been dug into the ground or brought inside yet for the winter. Grab
some of the neighbors leaf bags to use for mulch. This has been a warm autumn, but we expect a fairly normal (coooold) February.

Molly Phemister
3110 North 40th St
Lincoln NE, 68506