Hello my relatives! 
I hope you are all doing well after our brief prelude-to-winter. We took some hard frost in pockets around town. The garden is largely down to cabbage family members (but that kale is good for you, so keep swinging by and collecting some!) We'll finish seed collecting in the next few weeks and do a bit of clean up work, but not quite yet. Not this weekend. 

This weekend, we'll start in the greenhouse to finish planting the herbs and salad greens that we will take into the winter with us, and then head over to the classroom to work on Chapter 20: Sitting in a Circle. This is a long chapter, but it is such a fun one. Have you ever been camping? Remember how much packing you did to prepare for that trip? Picture going camping with your science class... And bringing almost nothing...  What?! What did they do? How did they navigate that? You've got to read (or listen!) to believe it.

Chapter 20 part 1: https://youtu.be/dz4nMoFkX0I?si=OkpSGmQURQECMt39 

Chapter 20 part 2:

Who am I hoping to see? ALL OF YOU! If you dropped your habit of joining us over the summer (powwow circuit, summer jobs, sports, or whatever the reason was), this is the autumn quarter now and you are 100% welcome to rejoin us (and to qualify for the fall stipend). Speaking of which, the glitch holding up the summer checks has been cleared, they WILL be out soon.  Sorry about the delay and thank you for your patience,


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