Good evening!


I hope this finds everyone well and safe. Because of weather forecasts tomorrow in the late morning and early afternoon, our Saturday morning class is cancelled.


This is a great opportunity to spend some time with your copy of Braiding Sweetgrass. Please read the Maple Sugar Moon chapter, pages 63 – 71. After reading, please consider a question that Dr. Kimmerer (the author) asks: If we think about the earth bestowing us with a responsibility to harvest her gifts in honorable ways, how might you reimagine the production of natural resources in your area?”


We’ll chat about your responses next week.


Have a beautiful day!



Kind regards,



Louise I. Lynch-O’Brien


Assistant Professor of Insect Biology &

Insect Science Program Coordinator,

Nebraska One Health Extension Coordinator

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Department of Entomology

ENTO 109E, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816

Call/text: 402-327-1574