It's November and while there are indeed still things growing and going in the garden, it's time to pull up the irrigation, take down and stow the trellises, flip and then fold those tarps, stack the bricks beside the shed, and sprinkle some woodchips and chicken
poo over the whole site. It's NOT going to be warm that morning, though we'll all warm up as we work. Come in layers- maybe you want long johns or leggings under your jeans, maybe a tshirt under a flannel shirt under a sweatshirt under a vest? Decent socks
go a long way, as does a little bandana around your neck. You get the idea. It'll feel like slightly too much when you leave the house, slightly too little around 9:30 or 9:45, and then by 11 you'll have taken off a few layers (so maybe bring a bag to stuff
your stuff in?)
It's a beautiful time of year- the trees are turning, the birds are gathering, the wind is singing a variety of tunes. The tired of a body that has worked hard in chilly air is a glorious thing, a very satisfying way to know you are alive and young and vital
and vigorous.
I look forward to working beside you Saturday at 9 in the garden.
Ps- closed toe shoes! Stay for lunch! Come even if you haven't been in a while!

Molly Phemister
3110 North 40th St
Lincoln NE, 68506