Good morning, relatives!  Due to the Memorial Day weekend and the number of high school graduations that various families are attending, we're cancelling class for Saturday, May 25.  I do encourage you to bring your family past the garden at some point over the weekend to show off your amazing work. Also, you can feel good about the plants that we have not planted in the ground yet- as you know, we sent several dozen to the retirement home on O St two weeks ago, then last week several dozen more went to ​the Turtle Island Earth Day Festival at Woods Park, and now today, a couple dozen are also going to be given away to families in the HeadStart program. We haven't even gotten into the harvest seasons yet and your work is already improving the health and wellness of a huge number of local families. What a great feeling, eh?

Most of the clan groups on our site planted Hopi blue corn two weekends ago (except Bear clan, they planted Painted Hill, which is a hybrid child of Painted Mountain).  Check out this video of Hopi farmer Michael Kotutwa Johnson explaining the millennia old traditional planting techniques that he uses to grow corn each year. Notice how the people, the plants, and the planting technique have adapted to each other- this corn is unique in a way that is very meaningful to the Hopi.

See you June 2 in the garden!