Did you all receive the alert that just came out? There is someone on east campus that is believed to be armed. Please stay inside if possible (until the alert is cleared).
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: UNL Alert <unlalert(a)unlalerts.unl.edu>
Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 3:11 PM
To: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>
Subject: UNL Alert: Dangerous Person on East Campus
UNL Alert: Potentially dangerous person on East Campus
Subject is: a hispanic male with a long ponytail in a neon green sweatshirt & possibly armed. Avoid area.
Hi team,
Do you want to go to this event (The Power of Husker Women, A Night of Celebration)?
I wanted to make sure that you all know about the event and know that it is a night to celebrate women, not a night for only women to attend. I don’t know if we know any of the award winners, but if you want to attend you are definitely invited to do so (I believe that it is $20 for students, it includes one drink and nice dinner). Since half of you are amazing Husker Women and the other half are always supportive of our Husker Women I wanted to make sure you had heard about the event.
Let me know if you are going and if you would like me to attend with you.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
Below is the EHS report that we received.
Once the disinfectant bottles are labeled could you please let me know.
Also, do we have the additional items (tongs, dust pan, etc.) somewhere in our lab? I’m surprised that we are suddenly not compliant with the spill kit. I didn’t see those items in the white pail in 257, but do we have another location for a spill kit?
Please do a reply all to this email if you have any information,
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: ehs(a)unl.edu <ehs(a)unl.edu>
Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 11:06 AM
To: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>
Cc: Macrae Zappala <mzappala2(a)unl.edu>
Subject: EHS Laboratory Safety Compliance Survey Results
Hello Nicole Iverson,
This email is to inform you of the results of the Lab Safety & Compliance Survey conducted by our EHS team, led by Macrae Zappala, in your laboratories on 01/01/2024. Below, you'll find a list of open items that require attention. Any issues applicable to all surveyed rooms will be marked as “All surveyed rooms”. If a specific room isn't mentioned, it means no room-specific deficiencies were identified and/or were corrected during the time of the audit.
Please take a moment to go through the listed items and address them accordingly. Once you or your laboratory staff fixed the identified issues, a courtesy notification would be highly appreciated.
As part of the survey, we've updated the Hazard Assessment of the room. For those rooms with changes to hazards and contacts, please download the updated door posting by following this link: Campus Door Postings<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uofnelincoln.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/UNL-EH…>.
Should you have any questions, concerns, or need further information, please feel free to reach out to us.
Findings for Inspection: 16142
Correct By Date
Disinfectant containers are not appropriately labeled (name, made/mfg. date and expiration date). Expired disinfectants are in use.
257 / Morrison Life Sciences Research Center
Durable containers with working solutions of disinfectants must be labeled with the chemical name (and concentration if applicable), solution preparation or manufacture date, and the expiration date. Refer to the EHS SOP "Chemical Disinfectants for Biohazardous Materials" for more information. (https://ehs.unl.edu/sop/s-bio-disinfectants.pdf) Properly dispose of expired disinfectants. Most working solutions of disinfectants can be disposed of down the drain, but refer to the EHS Sewer Disposal List SOP prior to disposal.
Bleach and ethanol disinfectant containers have no made or expiration dates marked on them. Lab worker indicates that they are refilled every week so they are never in danger of becoming expired.
Item of Concern
A biohazardous spill kit is not available in the lab or is not appropriately stocked. Spills and contaminated surfaces and equipment are not appropriately cleaned and decontaminated.
257 / Morrison Life Sciences Research Center
Please replace the missing components of the biohazard spill kit. The missing components include: Nitrile or latex gloves (multiple pairs), lab coat or disposable gown, safety glasses, surgical mask or face shield, Biohazard bags, disinfectant, tongs, small broom with dustpan, signage to post when cleaning up and a copy of spill cleanup procedures.
Additional guidance on clean-up of spills of biohazardous materials as well as a complete list of minimum spill kit components can be found in the EHS SOP Spill and Exposure Response for Biohazardous Materials (https://ehs.unl.edu/sop/s-bio-spill_%26_exposure_response.pdf)
Biohazard spill kit contains absorbent. Lab has all other items around the lab, but in the event of an emergency, it is ideal to have all clean up items in one location to make the process easier.
Environmental Health and Safety is committed to excellent customer service and we invite you to complete a Customer Satisfaction Survey to provide feedback on our services and staff. By taking a few moments to complete the survey (http://ehs.unl.edu/survey), you will be helping us to identify areas where we might need to focus our attention. Your participation is greatly appreciated.
Hello everyone,
As some of you have heard (possibly heard too much), I have a new house! Since I moved from a one bedroom apartment to a house I do not have furniture to fill half of it, but I don’t want to wait until I have totally furnished the house to have people come over. So I would like to invite you (and your significant others/children) to my place on Saturday, Feb 17 for snacks and games. If you want to stop by at any time between 1 – 5 pm that would be great! I will have water, juice and soda, but if you would like any additional/alternate beverages, please feel free to bring them (as a non-beer/wine drinker I don’t know what is good, so I’m not even going to try). If you have any special dietary restrictions please let me know so that I can make sure to pay attention to what will work for you.
My address is 6910 N 50th Pl, Lincoln – sometimes the GPS gets confused and calls it N 50th St – that works too.
If you have any questions (or get lost) please call me (732-648-3319).
I look forward to seeing you!!
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
Hello labmates,
I just wanted to let you know that I am at a conference until Thursday for ASABE. There are events all day which I do not have my laptop so I may not get to orders until a few days later so that I can also get my schoolwork done when I can be on my laptop. If something is urgent, you may want to order it yourself when you have time for this week. Sorry for the inconvenience. Let me know if you have any issues.
Thank you,
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Hi All,
I have attached important notes from our today's group meeting.
Hope you all have a great rest of the day!
Samereh Soleimani
Graduate Research Asst
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Biological Systems Engineering
East Campus (Lincoln) Morrison Center
Hi everyone,
I have attached the article I will be discussing on Monday along with this email. And would like to request everyone to upload our articles discussed during Monday to our lab Onedrive with your folder.
Thank you.
Trisam Sapkota
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Biological Systems Engineering
Hi everyone,
I want to remind you to bring your lab notebook to tomorrow's meeting. Please also bring a notepad/paper and pen. We will be exchanging notebooks, looking through someone’s notebook and making notes on things that are missing or would be helpful.
I’ll see you tomorrow,
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
Did I send this to you? The retreat is on Thursday from 8:30 am – 1:30 pm in 169 Morrison.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Angie Pannier <apannier2(a)unl.edu>
Date: Monday, January 29, 2024 at 10:29 AM
To: Forrest Kievit <fkievit2(a)unl.edu>, coe_biomed_faculty(a)lists.nebraska.edu <coe_biomed_faculty(a)lists.nebraska.edu>, coe_biomed_students(a)lists.nebraska.edu <coe_biomed_students(a)lists.nebraska.edu>, bse-bme(a)lists.nebraska.edu <bse-bme(a)lists.nebraska.edu>
Subject: RE: UNL CoE BME Retreat!
Also make sure you invite your lab members to the retreat!
Angela K. Pannier, Ph.D.
Swarts Family Chair of Biological Systems Engineering
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Director, Pannier Lab for Engineering Biomaterials & Gene Delivery
Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society and American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineers
Associate Editor, Science Advances
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
368 Morrison Life Science Center, Lincoln, NE 68583-0900
402-472-0896 | 402-472-6338 (FAX) | apannier2(a)unl.edu<mailto:apannier2@unl.edu>| pannierlab.unl.edu
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Every person and every interaction matters | N2025