Hi Team,


Did you see the ‘free food’ announcement for Tuesday? Now that I’ve realized that next week is not spring break, this makes more sense. I’m not sure if I’ll be attending since I have a doctor’s appointment that morning (that’s irony for you) but you should definitely consider stopping by since the Dairy Store is one of the sponsores.


From: HealthierU <healthieru@unl.edu>
Date: Monday, March 3, 2025 at 2:07
To: healthieru@lists.unl.edu <healthieru@lists.unl.edu>
Subject: [HealthierU Employee Wellness] HealthierU March Newsletter

Hello and Happy March!


Check out what’s happening with HealthierU this month:


Eating the Rainbow: The final challenge in the nutrition theme of our annual program begins on March 10, 2025! Registration is now open for this three-week fruit and vegetable focused challenge! To learn more about the challenge details and to register, click here.


 HealthierU Spring Wellness Event: Our annual Spring Wellness Event will take place March 11, 2025 from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in the Great Plains room at the East Campus Union. We are celebrating all things nutrition and food at this year’s event! Stop by to try some great food samples and to learn about on campus and local nutrition resources! To learn more about the event and to stay updated on our current vendor list, click here.


To help our vendors know what resources our employees are interested in learning more about, please fill out this anonymous form that we will share with our vendors ahead of the event!


Keepin a Beat Results: Thank you to the over 140 employees who participated in our Keepin’ a Beat Step challenge! The official results of the challenge will be posted on the challenge webpage Wednesday afternoon!


Spotlight Story: School of Natural Resource’s Wellness Challenge Flights Ascending! The Wellness Committee from the School of Natural Resources hosted their annual stair climbing challenge! To learn about their wellness committee and their stair climbing challenge click here! Congrats to all the employees who participated in their challenge!


 HealthierU Facebook Group: We have launched a private Facebook group for UNL employees to help motivate and connect with one another! We are encouraging group members to post about wellness efforts and share recipes and wellness resources! To request to join the group click here.


Faculty and Staff Cooking Class: Our three university dietitians, Ellyn McCarter, Sarah Keegan, and Brenna Schmader, are hosting a free cooking class for our university faculty and staff on March 28 at 12 p.m.! The class will take place at the University Health Center Teaching Kitchen, registration is required to attend the event, and it will be capped at 10 participants. To learn more about the class and to register, click here!


Yoga @ the Sheldon:  Join UNL Group Fitness at the Sheldon Museum of Art on March 30 at 10:30 a.m. for free yoga! Registration opens on March 23 at midnight for this event.



Annalisa Davenport

Assistant Director for Employee Wellness

University of Nebraska–Lincoln

127 University Health Center, 550 N. 19th St, Office 127E
