Hi Team,
I receive these types of emails frequently, I usually skim them and decide on my own, but I think it will make sense to share them with you to see if there are any deals for items that we need.
This summer we have already experienced delays in delivery of items we’ve ordered – this is actually pretty common. So lets make sure that we always have plenty non-perishable items (gloves/tips/etc) on hand.
Get back to me by Friday to let me know if you would like me to get a quote for any of these items.

Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson@unl.edu| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab
Evan Updike <evan.updike@avantorsciences.com>
Date: Monday, June 10, 2024 at 7:10 PM
Subject: VWR End of Fiscal Year promos!
Hello Nebraska Researchers,
VWR is running a number of end of year promos that we would like to make you aware of.
VWR Chemicals Dollar Match Promo - Dollar match up to $1000 on VWR BDH Chemicals, Buy a an EZLabpure Carboy get one free, Buy Magnetic Stirrer get free stirbar pack
Equipment Deals - Beckman Coulter Trade in Promo, Mettler Toledo Trade in promo, Molecular devices trade in promo. Please find more info in the attached PDFs
Benchtop Consumables - Exlusive end of fiscal year discounts on a variet of benchtop consumables items
Market Source - VWR partners with a number of major brands in the laboratory research space, because VWR is a preferred vendor in the University of Nebraska punchout sytem researchers
can take advantage of the free shipping provided by VWR when purchasing items from non catalogued vendors. Reach out to Evan Updike for a quote which will be viewable in the VWR punchout in Ariba.
Seradigm FBS Q2 Flash Sale - Seradigm Select Grade Mexico origin FBS on sale for $255/bottle for Q2 only. Please search for promo part numbers (MP1300500, MP1300500H) in the VWR punchout
for discount pricing. Both heat inactivate and non-processed varieties are available.
Please reach out to me (Evan Updike, evan.updike@avantorsciences.com) with any needs! I'm happy to provide a pricing quote for you and work with you on any end of fiscal year purchases you or
your lab is trying to make. Please be aware that Avantor is a preferred vendor in the Nebraska Ariba procurement system therefore you will receive special contracted pricing and free shipping on all orders.