Hello team,
The Nebraska research days symposium is happening April 15-16. Both for undergraduates and graduate students. Kindly register if you plan to present a poster especially all undergraduates on the UCARE program. The link has the registration details. You can discuss with your mentor if you are not sure, deadline is March 21st.
UNL | Research Dayshttps://research.unl.edu/events/researchdays_nuramp.php?EMSEventUUID=ebfb99e8-bd5c-401e-9300-29d5e17a5f78
Thanks! [https://ucomm.unl.edu/images/email-signature/Nebraska_N_RGB_small_on_white.g...]
Portia N.A Plange
Graduate Research Asst
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Biological Systems Engineering
Iverson Labhttps://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/