Maria Muhlbach <>
Date: Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 8:23 AM
To: Joann Ross <>, Pat Tetreault <>, Jeff Sheldon <>, Domonique Cudjo <>, Kacey Nelkin Pedersen <>, Kim Schellpeper <>,
Kathryn Holland <>, Tonya Haigh <>, Arden Hill <>, Nicole Iverson <>, Javaria Munir <>
Subject: Nebraska Women's Leadership Network events
Good morning fellow CCSW members!
Shameless plug: I wanted to let you know of upcoming events that the Nebraska Women’s Leadership Network is hosting on campus that are free and open to any faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Wednesday,
October 2 we are hosting a lunch and learn beginning at noon at the Wick Alumni Center. I would love to see you attend and bring a friend! Registration and more information can be found on
our website.
There are two additional events this semester that you are also welcome to attend. The full event line-up can be
found here.
Thanks and have a great remainder of your week!

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