Do we have any images that would be good for this? They need to be from the nanotechnology facility on City Campus, so our normal cell/SWNT images from our lab wouldn’t work.
I believe that quite a few of you have been over to Jorgenson to take SEM, TEM, etc. images, anything interesting in those?
If you have an interesting image and idea but no time we might get someone else to volunteer to help with the pseudocoloring.

Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 ||
Shelli Krupicka <>
Date: Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 9:39 AM
To: Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience <>
Cc: Steven Wignall <>, Jenna Huttenmaier <>
Subject: Important Message from Steve Wignall
Hi all, it's that time of year again to get some of you to submit images for the “Plenty of Beauty at the Bottom Contest.” The images need to be submitted by Sept 13th, which is a little over 2 weeks away. In
past years our images have placed 1st and 2nd in one of the 3 categories. Please consider sending us an image if you have one. Attached is the information for this year’s competition, and the form needed to be submitted with your image. If you see any names
missing from the email, please forward this on to those individuals so they have a chance to compete. When you read the rules in the attachment, you will need to submit your entry to me for judging, as only one photo can be submitted per category from each
site. This also means, I would like the entries a couple days before the deadline of Sept. 13th. Let me know if you have any further questions, and good luck in this artistic endeavor. Thanks, Steve