Hi team,
I just finished watching a great webinar that was put on by AWIS (women in science). It is 56 minutes long. The last 10-15 minutes are purely about how to present. I would like to show you this video in group meeting (and share it so Jayla
can watch it too).
Here is my question: Do you want to watch the entire video even though it is directed towards professors and business women (she talks about what happens in meetings as well as presenting, so maybe not relevant to you now but will be relevant
in 5 – 10 years) or do you want to watch just the last 10-15 minutes where she gives tips about presenting?
Either way I will try to figure out a way to share the video with you, so if you decide that we should watch just the presenting part in group meeting you can watch the entire video on your own. I’ll check to see the AWIS rules about sharing.
You can either have a discussion through this email, through a side chat, or in person. Just let me know at some point so we can plan it.