Hi team,
I’ll place the order from Kevin. But I wanted to make you aware that he is willing to match prices from other companies. So if you are ordering general supplies we can check with him for discounts/deals instead of just going with the Ariba price.
Thanks for helping us save money when possible!
From: Kevin Kuper Kevin.Kuper@midsci.com Date: Monday, March 3, 2025 at 10:36 AM To: Nicole Iverson iverson@unl.edu Subject: RE: MIDSCI Q&A What is left behind in pipette tips? Caution: Non-NU Email
Hi Nicole
Thanks for your message. I hope you had a great weekend!
Attached is the quote for these items. The serological pipettes are the buy 3 get 1 FREE
I have a sale going on with nitrile gloves, TPP cell culture plastics, PCR plastics, and 15/50ml conical tubes if you need to stock up on those items as well.
Lastly, I can match or beat the prices of Fisher/VWR to stretch your dollar and to earn your business on other supplies and equipment.
Let me know if you have any questions
Have a great week! Thanks Kevin Kuper
Our New 2025 Quick Shop Guide is available online. Click herehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.flipsnack.com/midsci/master_q1_2025_quick_shop_catalog/full-view.html__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!DDQ5a-LmfERpgLhvfmm-vhpLevKB4g00FgEeikMe6dwCFO0SPBl1VemYIBS-Tn2Dr9BqK04k2pR9-55fU7A$ to view online.
Introducing the NEW PR1MA™ LTS™ Style Pipette Tipshttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/midsci.com/item/ASPR1MALTSPIPETTIP/PR1MA-trade-LTS-trade-Style-Pipette-Tips/__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!DDQ5a-LmfERpgLhvfmm-vhpLevKB4g00FgEeikMe6dwCFO0SPBl1VemYIBS-Tn2Dr9BqK04k2pR9IGK40b4$ Ask for a quote or sample today to see how much you can save!
Need anything else for the lab? We have pipette tips, cryotubes, TPP cell culture plastics, nitrile gloves, freezer boxes, PCR plastics, serological pipettes, and 15/50ml tubes. MIDSCI also has refrigerators, -80 freezers, LN tanks, biosafety cabinets, water systems, homogenizers, centrifuges and microscopes.
Let me know if you need help with an order. Have a great day!
Kevin Kuper Laboratory Consultant – Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, MO-KC Phone: 800.227.9997 Ext.405 Fax: 636.225.9998 Direct: 913-488-4285 115 Cassens Court, Fenton, MO 63026 Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.midsci.com__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!FsJD7... https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.midsci.com/__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!DDQ5a-LmfERpgLhvfmm-vhpLevKB4g00FgEeikMe6dwCFO0SPBl1VemYIBS-Tn2Dr9BqK04k2pR9lwBxeLs$ Email: kevin.kuper@midsci.commailto:kevin.kuper@midsci.com
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