Did you all see this?
[signature_974592456] Nicole Iverson, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources College of Engineering University of Nebraska–Lincoln 260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583 Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson@unl.edumailto:iverson@unl.edu| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlabhttp://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/
From: Meg Kester meg.kester@unl.edu Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 11:02 AM To: Marybeth Helmink mbhelmink@unl.edu, CASNR Advisor List serv (casnradvisors@lists.nebraska.edu) casnradvisors@lists.nebraska.edu Subject: Re: CASNR Advisor Update - upcoming events Hi! Everyone is also invited to the CASNR Community Celebration on Thursday, Aug 29 from 12:30-2:30 in the Dairy Store area. We’ll have free ice cream, popcorn from Agro/Hort, and BSE will provide robotic activities! Meg
[signature_3968672435] Meg Klosterman Kester, Doctoral Candidate Strategic Initiatives & Alumni Engagement College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources University of Nebraska–Lincoln Nebraska East Union 247 1705 Arbor Dr. Lincoln, NE 68583-0702 402-472-7909tel:4024727909 casnr.unl.eduhttps://casnr.unl.edu/ Pronouns: she/her Positivity . Individualization . Input . Achiever . Futuristic
From: Marybeth Helmink mbhelmink@unl.edu Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 10:54 AM To: CASNR Advisor List serv (casnradvisors@lists.nebraska.edu) casnradvisors@lists.nebraska.edu Subject: CASNR Advisor Update - upcoming events Thanks to all of you that attended the CASNR Advisor Update - stay tuned for more details of upcoming meetings/events for Advisors.
Below are some upcoming events that you may be aware of but want to make sure you have them on your calendar. If you are able to assist with any of these events, please sign up below or contact the individuals listed below.
This is CASNR! CASNR Guides - volunteer opportunity Career Fair - volunteer opportunity
This is CASNR!
Thursday, 8.22.24 - NEU Great Plains Room
Timeline: 2:30 check-in, settle-in, etc. 2:35 Welcome, meet CASNR Dean and staff, short presentation 2:55 Activity 3:10 Break into departments 4:00 Meet on sidewalk north of Nebraska East Union for Dairy Store ice cream and informal conversations 4:30 Cookout with Dining – all are welcome
I look forward to seeing you all there along with our amazing new CASNR Huskers!
Sue Ellen
[cid:43648a28-3e08-40f5-9e9e-99bd0434135b] Sue Ellen Pegg College Relations Director University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources 103 Agricultural Hall 402-472-0615 spegg2@unl.edumailto:spegg2@unl.edu https://casnr.unl.edu/
Be a CASNR Guide to Welcome students back to campus! Monday and Tuesday, August 26 & 27, 2024
Hey all!
The start of the semester is almost here!
The CASNR Dean’s Office coordinates a CASNR Guides team for the first two mornings of classes (August 26 & August 27) to help welcome students and to help them navigate East Campus. We will have a station at the south end of the mall bus stop, the stairs outside the East Campus Visitor’s Center, and a station West of Plant Science/Keim Hall.
If you’re interested in serving as a guide, please sign up for times you are available ASAP. I’ll follow up with a schedule and locations, and any additional instructions.
Sign-up: CASNR Guides 2024.xlsxhttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uofnelincoln.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/UNL-IANRCASNR-StudentSuccess/EcWXGYaQKb9Lve7STpwaZf0BmClHWUHRcUVm2RGL1Ttg8Q?e=qgFIQa__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!CQ95fPAFLKqFpC-BDNXAEFCoA7_-rdoXayhNtBZE6XPX7VmMG31Qy7-iI6hLI-NBPWOxVpZR1L9MP4r2KYah$
Thanks in advance!
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Carly Mendoza Student Success Coach University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Ag Sci & Nat Res Lincoln, NE 402-472-2201
Fall Career Fair Volunteer Sign up Monday, September 16, 2024
Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a great summer and are ready to welcome the students back to campus!
With the start of the academic year, that means the Fall Career Fair is on our doorstep! This year, the Career Fair on East Campus is extra early and will be held exactly 3 weeks after the start of the semester on September 16! As you know, this is a large event that connects 90+ employers and almost 500 students. It takes many people coming together to make it happen! Do you have time to volunteer for a shift or two? If so, we will provide you with a meal voucher as a thank you for your time and help! You can sign-up using this link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/110... https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/11013529080118/false?popup=true**Ainvitation__;Iy8!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!CQ95fPAFLKqFpC-BDNXAEFCoA7_-rdoXayhNtBZE6XPX7VmMG31Qy7-iI6hLI-NBPWOxVpZR1L9MP_cv9-Fh$
Thank you in advance for all of your help!
[cid:43648a28-3e08-40f5-9e9e-99bd0434135b] Stephanie Osterthun Career and Student Experience Coach University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Ag Sci & Nat Res Nebraska East Union, 331P 402-472-7737 Click herehttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/unlincoln.my.site.com/SSH/0058W00000BUU6I__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!CQ95fPAFLKqFpC-BDNXAEFCoA7_-rdoXayhNtBZE6XPX7VmMG31Qy7-iI6hLI-NBPWOxVpZR1L9MP0Vi81Mu$ to schedule an appointment with me.
Marybeth Helmink
Advising & Academic Programs
College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
University of Nebraska Lincoln