Hi Everyone,


Thanks for all your help getting through Glow Big Red. We really appreciate your generosity and your patience during the fundraising season. Now I have something more fun to announce !


'Maintaining the Realm: the Medieval Administrators of the Holy Roman Empire'

By Dr. Aaron Patee, UNL College of Architecture

Thursday, March 6


Bailey Library, Andrews 2nd Floor




We’re excited to get to hear this research from Dr. Patee, who complete his MA and Certificate in Digital Humanities here at UNL in 2016. Since then, he’s completed his PhD at the Institute for European Art History and the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing at Heidelberg University. He is an expert on 12th/13th century ministerialis castles in the German Palatinate, and on the application of 3D photogrammetric and laserscan models, GIS based spatial analyses, and a graph-database of over 700 medieval charters. Recently he completed a post-doc at the Institute for Art History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich, Germany, and his most recent work has involved the application of AI in architectural element identification in 2d and 3d modeling. He also worked on a German-French collaboration cataloguing 17th/18th century ceiling paintings in a robust database for scholarly use.


I hope you can join us!


Email me: kstage2@unl.edu with any questions .


Cheers !



Dr. Kelly Stage (she/her)

Associate Professor of English, UNL

Director of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UNL