Hi Everyone!


Please join us for an end of term celebratory film screening of The Lion in Winter om Thursday, Dec. 5 @ 5:30 pm in Andrews 117. We’ll have light refreshments and a good time on tap.

The film is a classic: Katharine Hepburn in her Oscar winner role as Eleanor of Aquitaine takes on Peter O’Toole as Henry II as they struggle over the future of the English kingdom, making war on each other and their children (including Anthony Hopkins as  Prince Richard and Nigel Terry as Prince John). Set during the Christmas holidays of 1183, it’s a holiday classic, medieval-style. Come for the witty retorts, cool castle views, and John Barry’s Oscar winning, towering score. PLUS SNACKS!  






Dr. Kelly Stage (she/her)

Associate Professor of English, UNL

Director of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UNL