NeSIS eNews - January 2025
A Year of Achievements and a Future of Promise
As we reflect on the past year, we are filled with immense pride and gratitude for the dedication, and hard work each of you has shown. Your commitment to excellence continues to benefit your campus communities and contributes to the on-going quest for excellence. From overcoming challenges to celebrating victories, every step of the journey has been a testament to our collective strength and determination.
We are excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in the coming year. We look forward to building on our successes and exploring new horizons. Together, we will continue to push boundaries, embrace change, and strive for excellence in everything we do.
Thank you for your unwavering dedication and hard work. Let's make this year even more extraordinary!
November 2024 NeSIS Award Winner
The NeSIS Employee Shining Impactful Superstar award winner for November 2024 is Hasniuj Zahan.
Hasniuj has done an outstanding on the AMP team since joining NeSIS in February 2024. She is a great teammate with a can-do attitude and has greatly contributed to the AMP team responsibilities including server upgrades, Oracle maintenance, Sunapsis primary service management, coordinating PUM maintenance, facilitating Issues Log meetings, and more. She is a quick learner and provides great customer service in her role. We are so happy to have her on our team!
Basic Navigation Training Module Available
If you are new to NeSIS (or even if you're not), you've probably realized that there is a lot to learn about PeopleSoft and the NeSIS system. A good place to start may be the new Basic Training<…> tutorials in the NeSIS SharePoint Training & Support area. The PeopleSoft module will lead you through the basics of using PeopleSoft, including navigation, searching, adding and updating data, etc. The NeSIS Basics module contains information about the NeSIS Team and system such as reporting issues, the change request process, the NeSIS SharePoint site and other topics. The Campus Solutions module is still under development, but will contain information specific to the functional areas within Campus Solutions.
Each page contains a document about the topic, along with links to additional resources or other information related to the topic. Use the buttons at the bottom of the page to navigate to the next or previous topic, or to return to the list of sections or modules.
Here are some links to other helpful resources for new NeSIS team members:
New to NeSIS?
NeSIS Knowledge Webinars
NeSIS New User Training Outline
Shareen Thewke Named as an HEUG Ambassador for 2025
HEUG (Higher Education User Group) is a global user community for higher education. It's a space for institutions from all around the world to share their knowledge and experience, collaborate on common practices, and ask questions.
To help strengthen and grow the HEUG community, the HEUG Ambassador program was launched in 2025. NeSIS's own Financial Aid Functional Coordinator, Shareen Thewke, has been selected to be part of the inaugural group of Ambassadors for 2025. Shareen has been very active in HEUG for many years - as a presenter at several of the annual Alliance conferences, serving on the Financial Aid PAG (Product Advisory Group) for four years, and she is also an active participant in many of the discussion boards and communities within HEUG. The knowledge she has gained has been very beneficial to the NeSIS system and having her represent our institutions' needs to the larger HEUG community has also been invaluable.
Congratulations Shareen!
Learn more about the HEUG 2025 Ambassador Program<…>
Important Upcoming Dates!
Due to the PeopleTools 8.61 upgrade that will be kicking off soon, please take note of the following upcoming deadlines when planning your campus projects for this semester:
* 3/14/25 - Deadline to move mods/Eforms out of DEVNU/SC
* 3/14/25 - Deadline to move Eforms out of TSTNU/SC
* 3/31/25 - Last PRD migration until 5/5/25
* 4/7 - 4/28/25 - PRD migration freeze
* 5/5/25 - PRD migrations resume
Upcoming Events
Monday, January 20
MLK Day - NeSIS Office Closed
Tuesday, January 21
NU Spring Session Begins
9am - Financial Aid Team Meeting
Monday, February 3
3pm - Campus Community Team Meeting
Tuesday, February 4
9am - Financial Aid Team Meeting
Wednesday, February 5
10:30am - Student Financials Team Meeting
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