

Thank you very much for your service on the Graduate Committee this academic year. As an initial task, we have a few MA applications for Spring 2025 that need to be reviewed. I think we can do this through CollegeNET / email. If you can, please try to review these within the next 2 weeks and enter your feedback in CollegeNET, so by W 9/25.


Link: go.unl.edu/grad-admit


A few reminders:

-Please evaluate these based on likelihood of success in our MA program. They should do well in our courses, but may or may not write a MA thesis.

-MA students are generally not funded, but for out of state students in US we might be able to offer a tuition fellowship that discounts tuition to in state rates. If you see anyone who is a good candidate for this feel free to indicate it.

-Space in MA program is not really an issue at the moment. I think we have plenty of room to add good students.


