Sorry everyone if this went to your in-box. I hit the send button too fast - this is for Ingrid.
Hope you are doing well ahead of the beginning of the semester. -Alice
Dear Ingrid,
Happy New Year! I hope you and your family had a wonderful "break" of sorts.
Below are thoughts on the majority of applications I saw in my folder.
Please note I did not get a chance to review every application!!
For those applications I did look at, I did not read everything but instead focused on the CV, personal statement, and writing sample.
I have 100% trust in the graduate committee in determining who to admit and a rank order for funding. So, if there seems to be a mismatch between my cursory impressions and the graduate committee's more careful and complete assessment, the grad committee is
probably right. 🙂 If you'd like me to look at the ones I missed, please let me know.
Willing to be a potential advisor: (We don't have control over many things like who accepts to come to UNL, but it would be hard for me to advise more than one new 1st year given what's on my advising plate)
-personal statement indicates interest in gender and geopolitics
-writing sample is fine given her stage of career
-already has some exposure to R and is completing MA in political science with good letters of recommendation
James, Blessing:
-writing sample is fine given her stage of career
-personal statement is a bit broad but identifies some interesting questions
-already has a publication in Africa Today, a reputable African area studies journal
-writing sample: would defer to IR faculty on the quality of the thesis
Not willing to be a potential advisor:
-writing sample is descriptive, well-written
-personal statement describes relevant experience for studying human rights and courts -would defer to Courtney as Dzuman would work most closely with her
-writing sample is descriptive, maybe too short, and a bit simplistic
-personal statement articulates interesting research questions
-writing sample is descriptive and a bit simplistic
-personal statement is too broad
-seems more interested in policy and public administration than political science
-writing sample is so-so. I would not admit based on it.
-I'm confused as to why they are applying for a 2nd PhD to study a topic that can't be studied in China...won't they encounter issues from the get-go even if they are based in the U.S.? Given their interests and needs, however potentially problematic, it may
be better to study in a program with more comparativists and at least one comparative Chinese politics scholar?
Mammadov: defer to Patrice. I wouldn't be able to help him much given his interests.
Thank you for all that you do!!
From: Ingrid Haas <>
Sent: Monday, January 6, 2025 8:00 AM
To: <>
Subject: [POLS Grad Faculty] Re: Fall 2025 Graduate PHD Applicant Review - complete by F 1/17
Reminder – please review apps by F 1/17 if you would like to!
Ingrid Haas <>
Date: Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 11:02 AM
To: <>
Subject: [POLS Grad Faculty] Fall 2025 Graduate PHD Applicant Review - complete by F 1/17
Hi all,
As I mentioned in one or more faculty meetings this fall, the graduate committee would like to invite your input on Fall 2025 PhD applications, where students have listed you as a possible advisor. This is optional, but you’re encouraged
to engage in this process to help us evaluate potential research fit of these candidates and indicate your willingness (or not) to serve as potential advisor. I’ve assigned most of the applications but a few are still being processed by OGS- I’ll add those
as they become available.
Applications can be accessed at:
You’ll find some applications have been assigned to you for review, where students have listed your name.
Guidelines for review are here:
2025 PhD Application Review - Potential Advisors.docx
And some additional links / info on using the CollegeNET system are here:
Please let me know if you have any questions!