Hello All – Thanks for being a part of last week’s conversation! Always great to learn from each other! Follow-up items:
* We now have a listserv: big10engagementreps@lists.unl.edumailto:big10engagementreps@lists.unl.edu We can easily add names, so let me know if there’s someone you’d like added or if we missed anyone. We took it from the spreadsheet that’s attached. We included assistants. * Attached is the brochure and program for the Wisconsin Idea Conference that Lisa mentioned during our meeting. * Also attached is the Engagement and Outreach Document that explains more about the group and the goals. * For our March meeting, Elyse Aurbachhttps://research.umich.edu/research-at-michigan/office-of-the-vice-president-for-research/ovpr-team/elyse-aurbach/ on will share her research findings on Modernizing Scholarshiphttps://www.aplu.org/news-and-media/blog/2023/12/07/lessons-for-scaling-community-and-equity-engaged-scholarship-at-your-institution/. Thanks for making that happen Laurie!
All great work! Let us know if there are questions! Kathleen
[ps://ucomm.unl.edu/images/email-signature/4h.gif] Kathleen Lodl Associate Dean/4-H Program Administrator University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension 211 Ag Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0703 402.472.9012 • klodl1@unl.edumailto:klodl1@unl.edu www.extension.unl.eduhttp://www.extension.unl.edu/ [ebook icon]https://www.facebook.com/UNLExtension211 [tter icon] https://twitter.com/unlextension [terest - Keep Ohio Beautiful] https://www.pinterest.com/source/extension.unl.edu/ [signature_2227740972]