Hi All:
Join us tomorrow at noon via Zoom to hear from Dr. Sefa Isik, Lecturer in the Department of Food Processing at Muş Alparslan University in Turkey. His presentation is titled "How do microgreens get contaminated and what can we do to ensure food safety?"
Meeting ID: 918 8777 0447
Best regards,
Byron D. Chaves, PhD. (He/Him/His)
Associate Professor & Food Safety Extension Specialist
Department of Food Science and Technology
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Phone: (402) 472 2196
We've conducted an audit on your website and found some errors, which could
be the reason why it's not performing well in search results
Can I share the detailed report for your reference?
Thank you,
We are India based company and we have team of designer and developers and our team has developed more then 1000+ websites.
We can design a unique website for your organization at very low cost and it would be one time fee only.
Let me know if you are interested and I will send you our company details and past work and client testimonials.
Looking forward for your positive response.
Thank You,
The most wanted items for the month of October is rice, curry, beans, pasta, pasta sauces, macaroni and cheese, and gluten free items.
Ways to Give
* Drop off donations in the bin located in the 2nd floor lobby area outside the Administration Offices - a list of needed items can be found at https://pantry.unl.edu/donate.
* Purchase some items off of the Amazon wish list<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/27QON1… >! They will be shipped directly to the pantry.
* Gifts also can be made to the University of Nebraska Foundation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nufoundation.org/fund/01140700/__;!!PvX… >, fund #01140700. Online gifts can be made via credit or debit card, and an electronic donation receipt will be emailed to you. Memorial gifts can also be made through the Foundation website.
[A red and white logo Description automatically generated with medium confidence]
Best Regards,
Julie Mc.
Julie McManamey
Graduate Program Coordinator and Course Scheduling Office Associate
Department of Food Science and Technology <https://foodsci.unl.edu/>
College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 231
Lincoln, NE 68588-6205
GALLUP StrengthFinder: Learner, Intellection, Input, Analytical, Deliberative
VIA Character Strengths: Love of Learning, Judgment, Leadership, Fairness, Prudence
Colleagues - I write to share about upcoming arrivals and a departure in the building.
On the NIC Business Center front, Mindy Lang has been named as the NIC Business Center Manager. She is set to start on May 1. Mindy is coming from the AEM Business Center where she currently serves as a Finance Specialist. Also, the support person covering duties of departed Ben Rogers until his replacement is identified is Lisa Beethe. Lisa is part of the Nat Res Business Center and can be reached at lbeethe3(a)unl.edu. Welcome to both.
On the faculty front, Catelyn Bridges has accepted the offer to assume the position of food manufacturing engineer at the rank of assistant professor in the BSE (45% Tea and 25% Res) and FST (30% Res) departments. Her anticipated start date is January 1, 2025. Catelyn holds a BS degree in BSEN from UNL and an MS degree in Bio and Ag Engineering from Texas A&M. She is ABD in her PhD journey at the University of California - Davis. She's a native of Omaha.
Thoughts from Dr. Mark Stone (BSE Department Head) on the Catelyn's acceptance - "This hiring decision comes after an extensive and extended search process, dating back four years. As many of you are aware, our initial open search processes did not result in a hire after two rounds of interviews. This led us to pivot towards a targeted search approach, through which Ms. Bridges emerged as a candidate whose vision and expertise uniquely position her to contribute to our departments. I want to assure everyone that this decision was made with the utmost consideration for the long-term benefit of BSE, FST, IANR, and UNL. Throughout this process, we received outstanding support from our deans, the Vice Chancellor's office, ORED, and even the Chancellor's office, affirming the strategic importance of this appointment despite our difficult budget conditions".
And finally, on the staff front with sadness, I share that Sharisa Heier, Administrative Coordinator in FST for the past five years has accepted an offer outside of UNL in Lincoln. Her last day with us will be May 2. She has been of tremendous assistance to me and others during her time in the FIC. Please join me on Tuesday, April 30 at a noon luncheon (location and other details TBA) to thank her for her patience and support, and to wish her well in her new adventure.
Curtis L. Weller, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor and Head
Department of Food Science and Technology<http://foodsci.unl.edu/>
The Food Processing Center<http://fpc.unl.edu/>
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1901 North 21st Street, FIC 233
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 68588-6205
402 472 9337<tel:4024729337>
We have water leak from one of the autoclaves in room 309. I have contacted the service provider to come and look at it.
I will let you know once it has been repaired.
Jayne Stratton