Hi All,
The UNL Food Safety Seminar Series is back this fall! A calendar invite is attached to this email for your convenience. The series is open to the entire UNL community - students at all levels, staff, and faculty, including extension educators. Please spread the word and keep in mind that seminars are not recorded. The dates (all Wednesdays at 12 pm U.S. Central Time) and speakers are as follows. See you then!
* September 4 - Dr. Sefa Isik
* Lecturer, Department of Food Processing at Mus Alparslan University [Türkiye]
* October 9 - Meredith Carothers
* Public Affairs Specialist at USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service
* November 6 - Dr. Edward Dudley
* Professor at Penn State University
* December 11 - Dr. Donna Garren
* Executive Vice President, Science & Policy at American Frozen Food Institute
Byron D. Chaves, PhD. (He/Him/His)
Associate Professor & Food Safety Extension Specialist
Department of Food Science and Technology
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Phone: (402) 472 2196