Save the dates for the following graduating student oral presentations!
First Name
Last Name
Defense/ Presentation
Zoom Link
Majumder, Obata
Monday, October 21, 2024
10:00 AM
FIC 277
Waraporn (Pookie)
Thursday, November 21, 2024
9:30 AM
FIC 111
Steven (Steve)
Thursday, November 21, 2024
3:00 PM
FIC 111
Sujun (Willow)
Nieto Flores
Bianchini, Stratton
Best Regards,
Julie Mc.
Julie McManamey
Graduate Program Coordinator and Course Scheduling Office Associate
Department of Food Science and Technology <>
College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 231
Lincoln, NE 68588-6205
GALLUP StrengthFinder: Learner, Intellection, Input, Analytical, Deliberative
VIA Character Strengths: Love of Learning, Judgment, Leadership, Fairness, Prudence
Hi All:
Join us tomorrow at noon via Zoom to hear from Dr. Sefa Isik, Lecturer in the Department of Food Processing at Muş Alparslan University in Turkey. His presentation is titled "How do microgreens get contaminated and what can we do to ensure food safety?";!!PvXuogZ4s…
Meeting ID: 918 8777 0447
Best regards,
Byron D. Chaves, PhD. (He/Him/His)
Associate Professor & Food Safety Extension Specialist
Department of Food Science and Technology
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Phone: (402) 472 2196
Colleagues - I write to share about upcoming arrivals and a departure in the building.
On the NIC Business Center front, Mindy Lang has been named as the NIC Business Center Manager. She is set to start on May 1. Mindy is coming from the AEM Business Center where she currently serves as a Finance Specialist. Also, the support person covering duties of departed Ben Rogers until his replacement is identified is Lisa Beethe. Lisa is part of the Nat Res Business Center and can be reached at lbeethe3(a) Welcome to both.
On the faculty front, Catelyn Bridges has accepted the offer to assume the position of food manufacturing engineer at the rank of assistant professor in the BSE (45% Tea and 25% Res) and FST (30% Res) departments. Her anticipated start date is January 1, 2025. Catelyn holds a BS degree in BSEN from UNL and an MS degree in Bio and Ag Engineering from Texas A&M. She is ABD in her PhD journey at the University of California - Davis. She's a native of Omaha.
Thoughts from Dr. Mark Stone (BSE Department Head) on the Catelyn's acceptance - "This hiring decision comes after an extensive and extended search process, dating back four years. As many of you are aware, our initial open search processes did not result in a hire after two rounds of interviews. This led us to pivot towards a targeted search approach, through which Ms. Bridges emerged as a candidate whose vision and expertise uniquely position her to contribute to our departments. I want to assure everyone that this decision was made with the utmost consideration for the long-term benefit of BSE, FST, IANR, and UNL. Throughout this process, we received outstanding support from our deans, the Vice Chancellor's office, ORED, and even the Chancellor's office, affirming the strategic importance of this appointment despite our difficult budget conditions".
And finally, on the staff front with sadness, I share that Sharisa Heier, Administrative Coordinator in FST for the past five years has accepted an offer outside of UNL in Lincoln. Her last day with us will be May 2. She has been of tremendous assistance to me and others during her time in the FIC. Please join me on Tuesday, April 30 at a noon luncheon (location and other details TBA) to thank her for her patience and support, and to wish her well in her new adventure.
Curtis L. Weller, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor and Head
Department of Food Science and Technology<>
The Food Processing Center<>
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1901 North 21st Street, FIC 233
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 68588-6205
402 472 9337<tel:4024729337>
Hi all,
See e-mail below about the Crunch-Off competition! Let's be the winner of the CASNR competition!
I would encourage you to include this in your classes, especially those big courses (@Andreia Bianchini Huebner<>, @Rossana Villa Rojas<>, etc). Please take pictures if you can so that we can share in social media and keep track of the people that are participating!
@Graye Muir-Lewis<> could you please share this in social media? Also, can you please print the attached flier and post throughout the building?
@Rossana Villa Rojas<> and @Julie McManamey<>, let's have some popcorn for students in the seminar. Perhaps we can all do a crunch off before (or right after) the seminar.
@Julie McManamey<>, lets have some popcorn or apple slices for the informal meeting with students and staff on the 8th and 10th of October.
@Sarah Gergen<>, should we do something with the kids that register for the Fall break workshops?
Please note that we get extra points if we do videos and if we have UNL logos in the pictures (see attached flier)
Let me know if you have any questions.
Let the game begin!
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Silvana Martini, PhD
Professor, Department Head
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Science & Technology
Lincoln, NE
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society<… >
Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society
Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023)<;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!EYD1VQ… >
From: Clare Hornung <chornung2(a)>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2024 9:37 AM
To: Taylor Nielsen <tnielsen11(a)>; Logan Newman <lnewman2(a)>; Alli Raymond <araymond2(a)>; Joseph Canny <jcanny2(a)>; Erin Sayer <erin.sayer(a)>; Brandi Sigmon <bsigmon2(a)>; Tegan Brooks <tegan.brooks(a)>; Bridget Gross <bgross3(a)>; Kenneth Pyle <kpyle4(a)>; Rosalee Swartz <rswartz1(a)>; Liz Steinhour <lsteinhour2(a)>; Morgan Tranmer <mtranmer2(a)>; Taryn King <tking(a)>; Rachel Ibach <ribach2(a)>; Sarah Gergen <sgergen2(a)>; Deborah VanOverbeke <dvanoverbeke2(a)>; Bhaskar Bhattacharya <bbhattacharya8(a)>; Larkin Powell <lpowell3(a)>; Kate Brooks <kbrooks4(a)>; Martha Mamo <mmamo3(a)>; Anne Streich <astreich2(a)>; Mark Balschweid <mbalschweid2(a)>; Mark Stone <mark.stone(a)>; Donald Becker <dbecker3(a)>; Karrie Weber <kweber(a)>; Michael Adamowicz <madamowicz2(a)>; Silvana Martini <smartini2(a)>
Cc: Tammera Mittelstet <tmittelstet(a)>; Sue Ellen Pegg <spegg2(a)>; Tiffany Heng-Moss <thengmoss2(a)>; Cara Pesek <cpesek2(a)>; Natalie Jones <njones23(a)>
Subject: Farm to School Crunch-Off in CASNR!
Good morning!
I am reaching out to you all to announce a new initiative we are working on in CASNR. Every year, the Nebraska Department of Education Farm to School program participates in Crunch Off in the month of October, which is an initiative to get students and communities to consume local produce and support local producers. This year, Tammy Mittelstet has signed CASNR up to be a part of this event. We have some fun plans we are rolling out to help create excitement for this and we would love your help!
CASNR will participate in this event as a whole. That being said, we did want to do a social media challenge within our college so that each of your departments can be involved and we can create a little competition. Attached to this email is a flyer to elaborate on the rules and instructions for this competition. The most important thing is that any submissions include eating a crunchy local food, examples may be popcorn, apples, vegetables, etc. The Dairy Store will have a special dish in honor of Crunch Off as well!
If you could share this with students, RSOs, faculty & staff, alumni and whoever else you think would like to participate, that would be very much appreciated! I will also push this out on our CASNR social media pages, but encouragement from you all is a big help to get more participation. Our goal is to have everyone included and involved. Social media submissions will be accepted on Instagram, X (Twitter), and Facebook. We ask that you tag CASNR and the department you'd like your points to go towards (or state your department in the caption if they don't have an account). The Farm to School accounts are a little complicated, so if you want to use #NEFarmtoSchool and #CASNRCrunchOff you can, and then we will take care of tagging Farm to School in comments of submissions.
We will begin this Oct. 1 and the social media competition between our CASNR departments will end Oct. 30 with a winner announced on Oct. 31. If you have any questions about the social media contest, please feel free to email me. For questions about Farm to School and the overall Crunch Off, please contact Tammy Mittelstet at tmittelstet(a)<>.
I am so excited to see what your faculty, students, and staff are able to put together. We hope everyone is able to participate and have some fun with this project!
Clare Hornung
To learn more about NDE's Crunch Off:…
CASNR Pages:
* Instagram:;!!PvXuog…
* Facebook:;!!PvXuogZ4s…
* X:;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p…
Clare Hornung
Recruitment Specialist
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Homecoming Staff & Faculty Movement Challenge
September 29 – October 5, 2024
University Employees are invited to participate in this fun movement challenge! Participants are challenged with achieving 300 movement minutes during Homecoming Week. Whether you prefer to find your movement through strength training, cardiovascular exercises, or mind-body practices, the possibilities of movement are endless! Four employees who achieve reaching or surpassing 300 minutes of movement and submit their data before October 8, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. CST will receive a fun homecoming themed participation package. If you are interested in participating, please refer to the challenge guide below!
Hi all,
I am happy to announce that we have completed the hiring of two new Assistant Professors of Practice to teach in China for the 3+1 NWAFU/UNL program.
Dr. Lingyi Liu and Dr. Lee Plamer have officially accepted the job offer and will start in their new role ASAP.
I believe that Dr. Liu and Dr. Palmer are great additions to the program, and I am looking forward to working with them to continue this international partnership. Please join me in congratulating them on this new role.
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Silvana Martini, PhD
Professor, Department Head
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Science & Technology
Lincoln, NE
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society<… >
Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society
Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023)<;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!CNWsnZ… >
FDST Student News
by UNL - Food Science & Technology Administrative Unit
26 Sep '24
26 Sep '24
View this email in your browser (
** Student News
September 26, 2024
** Homecoming 2024
September 30 - October 5
See the full Schedule (…)
** Calendar of Events
* Friday, September 27th, 12-12:55pm - Food for Health Seminar Series (…) presents J. Mark Brown “Metaorganismal Endocrinology: Microbe-Host Interactions in Health and Disease” Reception: 11:30 am, Seminar: Noon-12:55 pm, Food Innovation Center (FIC): Room 277
+ Zoom:…
+ Meeting ID: 938 7569 8434
+ Password: NFHC
* Thursday, October 3, 12-1pm - Food Sci & Technology Seminar Series (…) presents Jason Bush, PhD. Chief Scientific Officer, Solnul® MSP Starch Products Inc.
Title: Using Serum Metabolomics from a Resistant Starch Clinical Trial to Investigate Mechanisms of Prebiotic Activity
* September 27-30 – Applejack Festival (…) at Kimmel Orchard in Nebraska City
*For volunteer opportunities to help represent Food Science, contact Sarah Gergen sgergen2(a) ( , FIC office 224, (402) 472-2831
** *Calendar Links*
IANR Events (…)
FST and FPC Events (…)
Nebraska Innovation Campus Events (…)
UNL Calendar of Events (…)
UNL Academic Calendar (…)
** Food Science Opportunities - Product Competitions!
The American Egg Board’s Eggcelerator Lab® is excited to launch its 2025 Product Development Competition. This competition will engage, excite, and encourage students to think big by showcasing their knowledge, expertise, and ideas in creating food products that focus on New and Novel Uses for Egg Yolks.
For more information Click Here (…) .
** The 2025 DMI New Product Competition
The Dairy Management Inc. New Product Competition now accepts entries for 2025.
The competition seeks the next new innovative product. The theme for 2025 is Innovative, Dairy-Based Products for Healthy Heart & Weight.
Click Here. (…)
** Scholarships
** Lallemand Animal Nutrition Scholarship - Lallemand Animal Nutrition, North America provides the following scholarships to full-time students in the United States, Mexico, or Canada. Applications due Friday, September 27th.
For more information or to submit an application, please Click Here. (…)
Emily J. Prior Scholarship Fund - The Prior Scholarship fund program was established in loving memory of Emily Prior for her dedicated military service as Chief, Concepts and Systems Division, Army Center of Excellence Subsistence (ACES). The purpose of this scholarship is to honor and assist qualified students who are majoring in food science, packaging, or related areas. The 2024 Award recipients will be notified on January 31, 2025. Application deadline, December 31, 2024
For more information or to submit a nomination, please Click Here (…) .
** Internships & Jobs
Learn more (…)
** AAMP Internship Opportunities
AAMP’s Internship program provides opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students to gain additional knowledge and experience in the meat industry. Participants must be at least 18 years of age or older. Participants must have a reliable source of transportation. For more information, contact Nelson Gaydos at nelson(a) ( .
** Be a Food Processing Center Student Worker
Application Link (…)
** The UNL Food Processing Center is seeking UNL students studying Food Science, Biological Systems Engineering, Mechanized Systems Management, Culinology, or related degrees to join our staff for one-of-a-kind experiential learning opportunities.
** Club Corner
Food Science Club meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 4 - 5 in Room 111. Learn more about the club, their activities, and chat with current members. An industry representative will join us, we have activities, and dinner
October 2nd is our next meeting and will feature a Cooking Challenge with Conagra!
If you have questions, please reach out to Mary Morran at mmorran2(a) ( .
** Food Holidays
* September 26 - Pancake Day, National Chimichanga Day
* September is National Condiment (…) Month! Click for fun facts!
* September 27 - Corned Beef Hash Day, National Chocolate Milk Day
* September 28 - National Poke Day
* September 29 - National Coffee Day, National Biscotti Day
* September 30 - Chewing Gum Day, National EVOO Day
* October 1 - Snack Stick Day, National American Pot Pie Day
Department of Food Science & Technology (…)
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