ITS has recently changed the server address for our printers which means most people are unable to print at this time. They will be pushing an update through today that should fix the issue. If you need immediate access to the printers, I have included instructions below on how to manually update. If you need assistance with doing that, please let me know.
1. Delete the old printers from your devices (you may or may not have both).
* fst-fic225ir4245
* fst-fic255ir4251
2. Go to your printer list and click Add printer or scanners.
* [cid:image001.png@01DA8BF1.1AC3CDF0]
3. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click The printer that I want isn't listed.
* [cid:image002.png@01DA8BF1.1AC3CDF0]
4. Click Select a shared printer by name
* [cid:image003.png@01DA8BF1.1AC3CDF0]
5. In the field paste one of these addresses
* For the mail room printer type: \\its-unlprint-01\fst-fic225ir4245<file://its-unlprint-01/fst-fic225ir4245>
* For the alcove printer type: \\its-unlprint-01\fst-fic255ir4251<file://its-unlprint-01/fst-fic255ir4251>
6. Press next and the printers will be installed and ready to use.
7. Repeat the process with the second printer if you wish to add it.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
* Graye
Graye Muir-Lewis
Comm Support Assoc
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Science & Technology
Graye Muir-Lewis
Comm Support Assoc
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Science & Technology