PhD Defense
Advisor: Dr. Andreia Bianchini
Waraporn (Pookie) Mahlman
December 3, 2024
9:30 am
FIC 277
"Adequacy Evaluation of 3MTM PetrifilmTM Aerobic Count Plate for Low Water-Activity, High Salt, and Low pH Foods"
I hold a Master of Science in Environmental Sanitation Science, a Bachelor of Science in Public Health with a major in Environmental Health Science from Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand, and a Bachelor of Public Health in Occupational Health and Safety from Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand. Prior to my current role, I served as a Chemist and Microbiologist III at the State of Nebraska Department of Agriculture laboratory. I also have experience working as a Quality Assurance personnel member for a meat packaging company. Before relocating to the USA, I taught at Huachiew Chalermprakiet University in Thailand. Currently, I am employed as a Food Microbiology Lab Manager and Research Technologist II in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Alongside my professional responsibilities, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Food Microbiology under the advisement of Dr. Andreia Bianchini and the supervision of Dr. Jayne Stratton.
Best Regards,
Julie Mc.
Julie McManamey
Graduate Program Coordinator and Course Scheduling Office Associate
Department of Food Science and Technology <https://foodsci.unl.edu/>
College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 231
Lincoln, NE 68588-6205
GALLUP StrengthFinder: Learner, Intellection, Input, Analytical, Deliberative
VIA Character Strengths: Love of Learning, Judgment, Leadership, Fairness, Prudence
UNL's Open House has moved to an online format located on UNL's Marketplace website.
UNL Marketplace has photos and descriptions of all of the available surplus items.
The website is located here:
Log In using your University credentials.
1. Choose: Office Furniture, Tech Equipment, or Other Surplus Items if you want to scroll through photos.
2. You can also use the search feature if you are looking for a specific item (e.g., desk, chair, etc.)
3. Add items to your cart and proceed to checkout.
4. Choose if you want the items delivered by Moving Services (select the Fixed rate) or select Store Pickup.
5. Add Cost Object # that you want billed.
6. Place Order
7. The Surplus Warehouse will be open for Store Pickup of purchased items on these days and times:
* Tuesday: 8:00 am - 9:00 am
* Wednesday: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
* Thursday: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
If you have any questions you can call 402-472-4942 or email unl_inventory(a)unl.edu<mailto:unl_inventory@unl.edu>
Tony Lloyd, CHMM
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Inventory, Surplus & Asset Management
942 N 22nd Street, Lincoln, NE 68588-0835
402 472 4942<tel:4024724942>
The most wanted items for the month of soup, pasta, pasta sauce, canned meats (tuna, chicken), pancake/waffle mix and syrup, and paper towels.
Ways to Give
* Drop off donations in the bin located in the 2nd floor lobby area outside the Administration Offices - a list of needed items can be found at https://pantry.unl.edu/donate.
* Purchase some items off of the Amazon wish list<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/27QON1… >! They will be shipped directly to the pantry.
* Gifts also can be made to the University of Nebraska Foundation<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nufoundation.org/fund/01140700/__;!!PvX… >, fund #01140700. Online gifts can be made via credit or debit card, and an electronic donation receipt will be emailed to you. Memorial gifts can also be made through the Foundation website.
[A red and white logo Description automatically generated with medium confidence]
Best Regards,
Julie Mc.
Julie McManamey
Graduate Program Coordinator and Course Scheduling Office Associate
Department of Food Science and Technology <https://foodsci.unl.edu/>
College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 231
Lincoln, NE 68588-6205
GALLUP StrengthFinder: Learner, Intellection, Input, Analytical, Deliberative
VIA Character Strengths: Love of Learning, Judgment, Leadership, Fairness, Prudence
All - The Southern California Phi Tau Sigma Chapter is hosting a webinar on 3D Food Printing on December 3 at 8:30AM PST. You are welcome to participate. See details in attachment.
Curtis L. Weller, Ph.D., P.E.
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Department of Food Science and Technology<http://foodsci.unl.edu/>
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
3605 Fair Street, 232 LW Chase Hall
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 68583-0726
402 472 9337<tel:4024729337>
Hello all,
With the absence of Graye we will do our best to cover most of her duties.
That being said, some things may not get addressed until after the holidays.
So, for the time being this is who to contact for the following items:
* Please direct any questions related to IT/technical issues to Susie to submit a ticket.
Or, if you feel like you could submit a ticket on your own, please do so.
This does not include conference room issues. You will need to call IT.
* Any questions related to the website, please contact Julie McManamey or Jon Wilson. Jon will be handling the Dairy Store website.
* Julie McManamey, Sarah Gergen, and I will be getting the mail.
* Sarah Gergen will be taking care of our social media.
* Any office supplies that you may need, will need to be ordered yourself.
* Any marketing items i.e. brochures, flyers, power points, or programs along with photos will not be done at this time.
You can ask Susie if she has time, as she has done these in the past as well.
* I will be looking into the newsletter, so if you sent Graye anything that needed to be put in there, send to me. I may not be able to replicate it, but it will be something! 😊
We will be reassessing at the end of December to see if we need to adjust anything.
Any updates will be sent as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please just let me know.
Best Regards,
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Susie Fauble
Administrative Coordinator
Department of Food Science and Technology <https://foodsci.unl.edu/>
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St,
Room 232
Lincoln, NE 68588-6205
Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
Hi all!
I just want to take a moment to thank each one of you for being part of this Department. I am so thankful for having the opportunity to interact with all of you daily and for having your support.
I hope you all find some time this week to spend with your family, friends, and loved ones.
Happy Thanksgiving!
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Silvana Martini, PhD
Professor, Department Head
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Science & Technology
Lincoln, NE
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://aocs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15… >
Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society
Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.aocs.org__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!GeqyM0… >
Good Morning, all,
Tomorrow is the deadline to RSVP for the Department Retreat on Jan. 13th, 2025.
If you have any questions regarding the retreat, please just let me know.
Best Regards,
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Susie Fauble
Administrative Coordinator
Department of Food Science and Technology <https://foodsci.unl.edu/>
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St,
Room 232
Lincoln, NE 68588-6205
Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
From: Susie Fauble
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2024 4:42 PM
To: fdst-faculty(a)lists.unl.edu; fst-postdocs(a)lists.unl.edu; fdst-staff(a)lists.unl.edu; fdst-undergrad(a)lists.unl.edu; fdst-grad-student(a)lists.unl.edu; nic-business-center-staff(a)lists.unl.edu; fpc-staff(a)lists.unl.edu; fdst-admin-unit(a)lists.unl.edu
Subject: You're Invited!!! RSVP by November 27!!
Happy Friday,
We would like to invite you to the department retreat coming up on January 13, 2025.
In order for us to plan accordingly, we need to have an estimated number of people who will be attending.
Please RSVP by November 27, 2024, by clicking the link below.
More information will be sent once we have a more accurate number of people attending.
Best Regards,
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Susie Fauble
Administrative Coordinator
Department of Food Science and Technology<https://foodsci.unl.edu/>
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St,
Room 232
Lincoln, NE 68588-6205
Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief