Colleagues - I am pleased to share that Dr. Amanda Ramer-Tait and Dr. Byron Chaves received congratulatory letters from IANR VC Boehm earlier this week. Dr. Ramer-Tait will be promoted to Professor and Dr. Chaves will receive his continuous appointment along with promotion to Associate Professor later this year.
Feel free to congratulate them and share in their good news.
Curtis L. Weller, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor and Head
Department of Food Science and Technology<>
The Food Processing Center<>
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1901 North 21st Street, FIC 233
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 68588-6205
402 472 9337<tel:4024729337>
Graye Muir-Lewis
Comm Support Assoc
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Food Science & Technology
From: Madilyn McKay
Good morning everyone,
Please join us next Monday as we bring you the next presentation in the Plant Pathology Spring 2024 seminar series. Dr. Hyun-Seob Song, Associate Professor with UNL Biological Systems Engineering and Food Science & Technology will be presenting "Modeling microbial communities: new tools for unraveling context-dependent interactions and functions". We will meet next Monday, April 8 in Keim 264 and online via Zoom.
[A red and blue flyer Description automatically generated]
To join the seminar via Zoom, use the link and password below. Recordings of individual presentations may be available the Tuesday following seminar. (Link will take you directly to meeting)
Passcode: 101111
The full schedule of speakers for the Spring 2024 Seminar Series can be found [?pdf icon] here<…>. To add this year's seminar dates to your Outlook calendars, click here<…>. The link will open a browser window and begin a download. Once the download is complete, open it and it should open a calendar event through Outlook. Just click "Save and Close" and it should add all seminars (with Zoom info) to your calendar.
See you Monday!
Madilyn McKay
Office Associate (she / her)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Department of Plant Pathology<>
Plant Sciences Hall (PLSH) 406